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Ch 1 The Birth of Civilization Pal eolithic Era Stone Age hunting and gathering tools art Development of tool making fire is most important tool Nomadic Neolithic Era no longer nomadic farming and herding Development of agriculture use of animals increased population Developed societies 1st major city Jericho 1st major civilization Asia Minor Sumer 1st major civilization of the west Dependent on flooding system Irrigation City state structure Origin of writing allows records govt bureaucracy Major city Urak Ziggurat Sargon example of a king dynasty falls apart once grandson dies artificial mountain with a temple center of religious belief creating dynasty centralized authority taking control with military 1st Polytheistic faith Egypt 3 kingdoms Old Middle New Dependent on Nile flooding twice a year Major producer of wheat barely and sheep Upper Lower 1 Upper Egypt broad delta of river majority of population settles here 2 Lower Egypt swampy mosquitoes Old Kingdom development of the Pharaoh formative phase in development of ancient Egypt civilization 1st pyramid Q Pharaoh is protecting ma t and justice of society Giza King Tut Old kingdom expands to Nubia which leads to Intermediate Age Dark Age First Intermediate Period era of political upheaval and division this era followed the collapse of the old kingdom

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UCF HIS 2000 - The Birth of Civilization

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