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Lecture Hellenistic World Questions to Consider How did Alexander the Great s conquests reshape the known world Spread Greek culture all over the world consciously What were the major advancements of science philosophy and religion in the Hellenistic age I Downfall of the Greek Polis A Spartan Dominance challenged for centuries and did not remain dominant it circulated 1 Corinthian War Spartans won this war with the help of the Persians 2 Thebes and Sparta became the dominant power but for the most part Athens and Sparta were always fighting and dominant power was cycling between the 3 of them Thebes Athens Sparta 3 Spartan defeat eventually Sparta was defeated B Athenian naval confederacy C Democrats v oligarchs D Social and economic crises II From Polis to Monarchy A Macedonian conquest B Alexander the Great when he runs out of places to conquer he tries going back to places they ve been His soldiers were done fighting Eventually he died of Malaria C The Hellenistic Kingdoms 1 Ptolemaic Egypt 2 Seleucid Asia Seleucis is the ruler 3 Antigonid Macedon and Greece Antigonis was an officer who rules Macedon Greece III Hellenistic Society A Building a Shared Society 1 Hellenism Parthenon Greek styles of dress prosperous with long distance trade Greek was the trade language 2 Hellenistic kings Alexander The Great B The Growth of Trade and Commerce 1 Overland routes The Silk Road 2 Commodities frankincense myrrh gold grain horses lumber oil pearls silk slaves wine IV Religion Philosophy and Science in the Hellenistic Age A Religion Alexander and his generals exposed people to new religions 1 Mystery religions are all faith based religions Isis is the most important goddess if you have faith in Isis and lead a good life when you die she will judge you and you would be resurrected from the dead Sin sins were wrong but they could be atoned for through prayer and offerings An idea that only those who believed would be saved Hebrews translated the bible in Greek Greek ideas are still the epicenter 2 Egyptian mythology A Philosophy and Modes of Living 1 Epicureanism avoidance of pain living life comfortably 2 Stoicism keep calm carry on way of life 3 Skepticism the world is perceived through your senses B Science and Medicine 1 Euclid geometry he developed the first geometry book 2 Archimedes some saw him as evil because a lot of what he worked on was weapons of war Engineer 3 Hippocrates doctor creates a science and philosophy of medicine Do no harm realized that most of the things being done to people who were sick was making them sicker or even killing them Rejects the supernatural as the cause of illness Introduced an idea that the human body has a balance to it 4 Herophilus inventor of the modern concept of autopsy Makes very basic discoveries such as information about muscles and body functions

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