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Chapter 10 The Inmate World March 17 2014 Lecture I Men in Prison A inmate subculture Adaptation B social structure C Sexuality II Women in Prison A Characteristics Social Structure B Pseudofamilies C Special Needs III Co correctional Facilities Total Institution A place where the same people work play eat sleep and recreate together on a continuous bases Erving Goffman Life within total institutions is closely planned by those in control and activities are strictly scheduled The Inmate Subculture The habits customs morals values beliefs of inmates incarcerated in correctional institutions also the inmate social world Prisonization the process by which inmates adapt to prison society Modes of Adaptation Convert take on the role of inmate embrace it and view them selves Withdraw into mental illness or depression Colonization strike a balance between outside life and inside Rebellion reject the labels placed by authorities The Forming of The Inmate Subculture Deprivation theory the belief that inmate subcultures develop in response to the deprivation in prison life Importation Theory the belief that inmate subcultures are brought into prisons from the outside world Integration Model combination of the importation deprivation theories A set of norms values among prison inmates It is generally antagonistic to the official administration rehabilitation programs of the prison Prison Code The Special language of the inmate subculture Prison Argot Peckerwood a white prisoner Ball buster violent inmates Croaker physician or doctor Wolf a male inmate who assumes an aggressive role during homosexual relations Shakedown cell search The Mean Dude Bully The Hedonist adapts to prison life by trying to exploit minimum Inmates Roles pleasures education of friends leaders prison The Opportunist seek for personal advancement try to get GED The Retreatist unable to cope with the realities of prison depression The Legalist inmate known as the jail house lawyer The Radical Political prisoner feel discriminated against limit The Colonist inmate that views prison as home very comfortable lots The Religious Inmate turns to some religious faith inmate staff visit The Punk inmate forced into sexual relationship The Gang banger inmates that associate with gang life style within The Realist recognizes that prison is a consequence of committing crime doing time Sexuality in Men s Prisons Violence victimization occur in men s prison Punks are owned by powerful inmates who protect them from sexual violence Affectionate relationships often develop between men their punks Some even marry in imitation ceremonies Women in Prison In the U S there are far fewer women s prisons than men s prison men outnumber women 12 1 Prisoner programs in women s prisons are often criticized as being inferior to the same types of programs in men s prisons Security in women s prisons is generally more relaxed than in men s prisons experiences values Female Inmate Roles The Cool Inmate inmate that usually has a record abide by the code The Square Inmate inmates not familiar with criminal life style or The Life Inmate the habitual career criminal well socialized inmate Pseudofamilies Unique family like structures common in women s prisons in which inmates assume roles similar to those of family members in free society Inmate derive emotional social support from their membership in a pseudofamily Mothers in Prison An estimated 4 000 women prisoners give birth each year Few institutions allow women prisoners to keep newborns with them in the prison Nearly 80 of all women prisoners have children under the age of 18 Correctional Facilities Co corrections Coed Prison the incarceration interaction of female and male offenders under a single institutional administration They have been touted as a potential solutions to a wide variety of corrections problems Problem higher rates of sexual assault

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