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Midterm Study Guide 1 Inflammation 2 Cholesterol a Inflammatory cytokines immune cells signaled when damaged tissues or defective cells are present release inflammatory cytokines b When is it good bad Acute inflammation the immediate response to an injury of body tissue White blood cells are recruited to the site of the injury causing free radical generation to target and attack pathogens Inflammation is tamed once site heals Chronic inflammation a continual trigger that keeps the immune system constantly engaged Damages body bc it involves a constant low grade activation of white blood cells and production of free radicals in the absence of pathogens Can lead to free radicals attacking healthy organs and tissues c What are the silent killers in our kitchens oils specifically omega 6 cause inflammatory cytokines i What kind of foods is it commonly found in processed foods high oil content foods fried cheap oil a Where is it found animal products b What organ produces it liver c What is it an essential component of cell membrane helps keep its shape and form keep rigid keeps cell integrity intact d What is it a precursor for hormones bile acids i Where is this stored bile acid break down fats found in gall bladder Hormones found in different glands e What is HDL High Density Lipoproteins good transported ii What is it used for molecules Come from body i Where does it come from the liver ii What does it do lowers blood cholesterol carried cholesterol out of blood into the liver liver is where it is broken down iii How can you increase levels exercise B3 Niacin fish intake bc Of Omega 3 content purple skinned fruits plums grapes f What is LDL Low Density Lipoproteins Carries mostly cholesterol and cholesterol esters Function to deliver cholesterol to the peripheral tissues bad transporter molcules LDL is made in body i What kind of food is it commonly found in saturated and trans fats ii Can it be oxidized yes that s why it s a bigger threat to us bc it can cause the chain effect of free radicals in the body g Which has a higher protein content HDL Which has a higher h These are both cholesterol TRANSPORTERS that are able to lipid content LDL interact with the blood 3 Fructose 4 Stomach Cancer i How can Honey Nut Cheerios lower your cholesterol bile made from cholesterol soluble fiber binds bile causes its excretion in feces body uses blood cholesterol to replenish the bile lost blood cholesterol decreases a Why is excess fructose stored as fat when take in fructose on own body uses it properly for energy but body always prefers glucose as first energy source Glucose fructose high fructose corn syrup glucose used for energy and fructose is used for fat b What food product poses this problem high fructose corn syrup c Artificial sweeteners don t contain glucose but the brain is still expecting glucose due to other eating cues brain signals you to continue eating splenda sweet n low a Due to cured fish that contain sodium nitrate Japan i Found in deli meats in the US ii Prevents bacterial growth b How does sodium nitrate become hazardous in our bodies due to presence of sodium increases stomach pH to become higher more basic stomach needs to be acidic to break down foods when more basic favorable environment for nitrosamine carcinogen can mutate and cause problems with DNA a What is the main neurotransmitter involved with ADHD Dopamine ADHD have low levels of Dopamine b What happens when you take Adderall but DO NOT have ADHD Brain stops making dopamine on own c Long term use keeps your body in the fight or flight response body completely stops producing dopamine on own eventually causes psychosis Always stressed and wired Reproduction digestion don t work a What is the cell membrane made out of phospholipid bilayer Where do we get the materials to make the cell membrane from the diet b What kind of fats make the cell membrane rigid saturated fats and cholesterol c What is the function of the nucleus the center of control that contains the genetic material called DNA DNA genetic info to produce more cells d What is the function of cell receptors highly specific proteins that recognize and bind to ligands such as hormones and peptides and have the ability to stimulate intracellular signaling which is an internal activation of a set of enzymes capable of inducing a response inside a cell Cell to cell communication for cells to know what to do 5 Adderall 6 The cell i Ex Insulin explain this pathway after a carbohydrate rich meal acts on its receptor and activates an intracellular response that leads to the opening of glucose channels and subsequent glucose entry inside the cell for use or storage as energy e What is the function of mitochondria generate energy for the survival of the cell Powerhouse of the cell greatly involved in making ATP cell bodies form of energy f How can we increase the number of mitochondria aerobic g What can inhibit proper functioning of the mitochondria artificial things trans fat 7 Low Carbohydrates Diet low amounts of glucose a Low glucose intake glucose is body and brains main source of exercise energy b What will the body start to use for energy Fat i What part of the body is a good source of this Muscles are good source of protein Low carb diet c Why is this bad Lose muscle content a What organ produces insulin The Pancreas specifically the beta 8 Diabetes cells i How does it work in a TII patient The body does not produce enough insulin leading to decrease of the efficiency of insulin in the body or the body because insensitive to insulin Inhibits body from maintaining normal blood glucose levels ii How does it work in a TI patient The pancreas produces little or no insulin due to the body s immune system destroying the insulin producing cells of the pancreas called beta cells b What is the main difference between TI and TII diabetes type 1 autoimmune disease body cant produce insulin c What is another name for Type I diabetes Insulin resistant Type II Juvenile Diabetes d What kind of diet induces TII diabetes high sugar high processed foods high fat anything bad for you e Know about insulin dumping favors fat storage high increase in insulin 9 Stress Response f Know about insulin resistance pre diabetes reversible at this point through exercise and monitoring diet a Explain the fight or flight response Be specific an innate response that gives us strength power and speed to avoid physical harm Only functions on what is necessary reproductive immune

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