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Part A Churbn khurbn Yiddish for the disasterShoah catastrophe Burnt offering Ruth Kluger from Still Alive Vienna and its hatred for the Jewish children Snow White ruth stubborn mother has a chance to send to kinder transport but said chld belongs w mother Learns about Vienna community Snow white don t trust authority metaphor for what can transpire Diction direct Isiah Spiegel Bread pressure of starvation diminished dad embarassed he cant provide for fam pursuit of daily bread has fractured the family bread is portioned by mom hid around house glikke family father shimmele kids make hole in wall to see where mom hides bread father is murderer for eating kids bread Dad taken in action Mom gets more bread Family remembers dad by praying over book Dore Laub crisis of witnessing child survivor language disfigured by event ellipses Jean Amery Hans Mier fort bredonk belgium Political pprision sent to auscwithz Commited suicide Born in Austria catholic dicton Tone purpose Mapping Assault of body said Whoever was tortured stays tortured from At the Minds Limits Chronological time flows past present familiar exteral delbo common memory freidlander Durational time deep memory charlotte delbo Saul freildlander auschwitz never ending loop Ghetto Chroniclers documented the happenings in the camps Jedenrat Jewish Council Council of Elders etc given power in camps Had to decide to post roll call Made to collaborate out of crueltyJewish Police villians w in same duties as jewish council cary out jewish orders Mordechai Chaim Rumkowski Lodz Ghetto believed he could work with the germans germans worked off of these ideas of pograms always rationalized as a one time action germans reinforced that action it was intended for the jews to view their expereince through there past they were sucessful through this prism of conventional thinking pograms always returned back to normality hold back comment allows reader to make own judgement delusional notion that he could hold back nazi was wrong of the nazi policies RUMKOWSKI head of council had been married and was a widower he was under the impression that if he could make the jews ndespensible to the german war effort that they could survive mentality grew from program what can they do to survive rumkowski came tobelieve that he could work with the germans when zelkowitz tlks aboutthe gehspere the germans said he had to produce 10 000 people pick your weakest and your must vulnerable sick elder children Warsaw Ghetto Selections from Chaim Kaplan Emmanuel Ringelblum Oneg Shabbbat joy of Shabbat in warsaw ghetto he wrote in yiddish mommaloshen mother tongue after services fri night there would be a light meal oneg Disguised purpose from germans bare witness Kovno Ghetto Great Action Tory Memoir about collaboration b w jewish council Dr Elkes leader of jewish council in kovno lithuaniaRabbo Abraham Shapiro helped elkes and jewish council make decision to post roll call Helmut Rauca Useless cruelty Only cared about getting Jordan Certificates said skills usually not included in aktions Ninth fort place of extermination of jews in kovno Aleksotas Palemonas Alytus Kazys Palciauskas Primo Levi Se questo e un Muselmanners or Muslims if this is a man angish Insistence to world to remember shoah Pay attention but youll never understand To organize Fossoli detention camp for political prisionersAlberto Dalla Volta shares everything with Levi levi regards him as someone who is virtous who seems to retain a dollopof humanity whene everyone else is soley focused on survival notion of friendship was losFressen essen fressen animals Essen humansLevi Beppo Kuhn outraged kuhns praying Beppo the greek strong 20 Kuhn old But chose to live Levi watch Kuhn pray Kuhn out of senses Geoffrey Hartman kindertransport the quotidian shaded by the sinister Ida Landau Fink biographical fiction gestures to the horror of the unspeakable and the indifference of the bystanders in ida fink is indirect evasive sugguestive relevant frank depends on omniscient narrator to fill in In hiding Her stories never take place in lager The Key Game dad diction fragmented Mother adressed child tells him hes so grown up and doing great job Kind Endearing soothing Boy blue eyes chubby cheeks exhausted looks Aryan durational time A Spring Morning fink focuses on salvation Narrator 1 Municipal official w Aryan great grandmother 2 Narrator that contests Omniscient narrator fink trauma after cheerful Zofia discusses memory memory frozen nature of voice disfigured lost who she was be4 person she was is erased Tadeusz Borowski This Way for the Gas Canada Kommando killing political prisoners Canada men not jews were easily victims to the promiscuity of german cruelty evil strips them of their moral identity not equivalent to the evil of the germans choiceless choice can be enagaged insist that you as reader must be wary of any kind of assumptions everything in this world is rejection refuatation of all the moral attachments that we have world without morality world so vicious it disfigures individual and language tself bluness and directness of language leave us without any illusions of the kind of assumptions we have Death of Schillinger N C O non commission officer Narrator sonderkommando officer unloads bodies Narrator stages a revolt Sonderkommando foremen resist but were killed concentrationaly realism documentary fiction there are no metaphors in holocaust in borowskis work if there are they come directly form the camp commited to directly and bluntly mapping the disaster and the horror of the camps diction and tone of his work choses to map the horror as clearly and as consciously as he can muselman psychologically physically destroyed bottom Walking dead Tadek unnamed character Canada komandoHenri Kanada Canada Kommando responsible for unloading jews almost always political prisioners In Canada was the valuables Germans confiscated Sosnowiec Bendzin tide of jewsAuchwitz Birkenau extermination labor gay gypsies women family camp Canada political pr isioners Crematorium Esperanto language of the camp to create universal language The Red Cross vans carry gas ironic Schrillinger s death etc Ironic Didn t know what he did to deserve it Sara Nomberg Prztyk the verdict new arrivals from Auschwitz true tales from a grotesque land the verdict mrs Helena has to make decision to tell woman if gonna die or not New arrivals zugangi new prisioners that didn t know how to organize Liza sang Russian songs Absence

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