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PSY 388 003 GENDER BIAS IN THE MEDIA Is the most pervasive source of information about our social world Media Provides inaccurate and systematically biased information about gender Can be powerful agents of gender role socialization o TV viewing is related to gender stereotypic attitudes among children and Many groups advocate for media education to reduce negative effects of gender teenagers stereotyping MEDIA GENDERED MESSAGES In the U S children watch over 44 hrs wk of TV In addition to time playing video games listening to radio plus watching movies and music videos and reading print electronically By age 20 the typical adolescent has watched over 600 000 TV commercials LETS TAKE A LOOK Gender differences in commercials http www youtube com watch v QDHmHPRmf4o Gendered Powerwheel commercials http www youtube com watch v 9d6Q72Gq850 A different perspective on gender roles within the media Small change in direction http www youtube com watch v lrR2E 5srjo Who s gonna get it Verizon Fios TV Commercial Ad Toy commercials Boys practical message more aggression Girls emotional tone Boys and girls can distinguish which commercial is directed to which gender without seeing the content o Sound effect music types of speech action level pacing Often women are Underrepresented and play supporting secondary roles except o Main characters in health and beauty products Health beauty products are associated with feminine traits Criticized and receive comments about their bodies physique Rex Reed described Melissa as a hippo tractor sized and called her a gimmick comedian who has devoted her short career to being obese and obnoxious with equal success PSY 388 003 Men WHICH IS IT Authorities Portrayed as employed Leading role main characters Does watching TV contribute to children s gender stereotypes Or is it that those who already hold strong stereotypes spend more time than their counterparts do in front of the TV set Watching TV contributes to gender stereotypes TV enforces these stereotypes Professor There is no real way of knowing the answer to this question We feel that there is bi directional influence but there is no real way of knowing To what extent could extreme views on gender expectations influence our gender identity and behavior Dolls vs Real Life Real Life Barbie Ken Valeria Lukyanova Justin Jedlica has had over 100 procedures and spent 100 000 Source www dailymail co uk IDENTITY AND THE SELF Self Concept Organized coherent integrated pattern of self perceptions that includes self esteem and self image Self esteem how you evaluate yourself Self image the view you have of yourself CONSTRUCTING AN IDENTITY A KEY DEVELOPMENTAL TASK Identity a sense of self Involves multiple and complex self concepts o Who am I o Where do I belong PSY 388 003 o Where am I headed CAN WE HAVE MORE THAN ONE IDENTITY Personal identity sense of self in relation to one s goals aspirations etc e g who am I Social identity sense of self in relation to one s own social context or social group e g where I belong among my friends Ethnic identity sense of self in relation to one s ethnic group e g who I am as a Mexican American Sexual identity sense of sexual self WHAT IS ONE WAY WE MAKE SENSE OF OUR IDENTITY Qualities and labels as part of the self o EXAMPLE Feminist Muslim Lesbian Religious Gender Sexual TO WHAT EXTENT DO OUR DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF OUR IDENTITIES INFLUENCE EACH OTHER Do our identities commingle with one another Is ethnic identity related to gender identity and racial identity NON HETEROSEXUAL IDENTITY What is your first thought when you hear someone is Gay Lesbian Bisexual HOMOSEXUAL IDENTITY earlier ages More complex and fluid Trend in self identification as lesbian gay or bisexual happens at increasingly o Differences in identifying as bisexual vs gay vs lesbian e g may have gay or lesbian identity then move toward bisexual identity GAY LESBIAN BISEXUAL IDENTITY DEVELOPMENT Identity confusion stage status o Question sexual identity Identity comparison stage status PSY 388 003 o Recognize feelings about same sex individuals e g girls like boys am I weird Identity tolerance stage status o Fully recognize own homosexual feelings hides them from others and self e g it s just a phase Identity acceptance stage status o Accept sexual orientation closer to coming out Identity pride stage status o Openly express sexual orientation take pride in that identity Identity synthesis o Integrate all aspects of identities ethnic minority status and gender Source Cass 1979 NON HETEROSEXUAL IDENTITY DEVELOPMENT Exiting heterosexuality Developing a personal LGB Lesbian Gay Bisexual identity Developing an LGB social identity Becoming an LGB offspring Developing an LGB intimacy status Entering an LGB community Source D Augelli 1994 CONSIDER DIVERSITY Transgendered biological sex does not match gender identity i e psychological Transsexuals have undergone hormonal or surgical treatments to align biological sex sex to gender identity o FTM female to male o MTF male to female Intersex persons born with ambiguous genitalia o Have both testes and vagina when born

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