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Lecture Rise of Rome Questions to Consider What role did Hellenistic culture play in Roman culture What were the key social and political structures of the Roman Republic I Roman Origins A Geography of the Italian Peninsula 1 Apennines 2 Tiber B The Etruscans and Rome 1 Etruscan influences 2 Hellenistic Influences II Founding the Republic A Conquest of Italy 1 Roman myths Romulus and Reims abounded brothers who she wolf finds in the river and raises them to be men they found the city of Rome but argue over which hill Rome would be founded over Romulus wins and kills his brother in this fight 2 Republic Rome began as a monarchy and transitioned to a republic representative Etruscan king dominated Rome but was overthrown by a popular uprising Etruscan dominance was thrown off Rome started conquering more land Afraid of monarchy which led to the republic Founded republic about 2 500 years ago III Power in the Republic Most powerful group in Rome patricians Plebeians majority of citizens Romans extend roman citizenship to those not from Italy Dictatorship always by war or revolt by slaves A Politics and Order 1 Political hierarchy Patricians Plebeians Non Roman citizens from somewhere else conquered land foreign merchant visitor etc stripped of citizenship Slaves Very fluent system More like employers and employees rather than slaves Rome can t run without slaves 2 The Roman senate Patricians mostly make up roman senate in early republic ALL patricians make up senate has 100s of members Establish consul usually military men elected members of an office for a term used in absence of a king not a king though republic executes this serve as the everyday executive in Rome such as a mayor work with military matters often beloved by the people elite many have been or are members of the senate patricians Plebeians cannot be elected to consul or senate Dictator senate elects the dictator for a 6 month term elected to make quick decisions such as war etc not always a dictator senate elects one when needed 3 Roman law We are directly related to Roman law You create laws that apply to all people across the social classes and everywhere in their empire Create roman law by getting a copy of Athens Greece laws take these laws and make modifications to create their own If your child is deformed it is left to die if debtor skim is ripped off and left with a deformation debtors mark can rape your wife etc 12 law table is presidential laws shouldn t change B Social Conflict in Rome 1 Struggle of the Orders Slaves do most of work yet reap few benefits Patricians represent the 2 and Plebeians represent the 98 yet own less that the patricians do which leads to social conflict between them since patricians are so powerful they can cause for plebeians to have very little political voice Led to a civil war because of all the laws that patricians made not allowed to be on senate not allowed to own land etc Council of plebes is created hold protests create petitions elect spokespeople tribians huge participation in the council leads to no suppression of patricians instead they reshape republic and add another level of government including members of this created tribian council giving them veto power allowing land to plebeians etc 2 Patrician concessions IV Roman Expansion and Its Repercussions A Overseas Conquests Conquest that conquers boot of Italy and eventually goes all the way to Bactria and Scotland Integrate some and allow citizenship to some mostly wealthy and elite Build 1 000s of miles of roads B The Punic Wars 3 wars between Rome and Carthaginians go on for more than a century end with a genocide Romans are never alone always fight together with good armor and good training 1 Carthage Originally controlled by Phoenicians Carthaginian trade networks compete with Roman trade routes Rome fears their empire will expand to them this war is all about the invasion of Sicily where Carthage is at the time Rome builds up their army and wins this war fairly easily Don t make peace Rome just gains control of Sicily 2 Hannibal vs Scipio Hannibal went over alps with elephants and started off second Punic war by conquering the Poe river valley Romans couldn t defeat him for 15 years invaded the mainland trying to root him out but never could lost 1 000s of men in the process until Hannibal voluntary leaves Hannibal comes back and Romans finally decide to go fight in Scipio where they defeat Hannibal and discuss peace treaty leading to Carthaginian peace which could only cause another war 3 Mediterranean control Romans capture Carthage itself Take the men and sell them to slavery Tear down the walls to little pieces until there is not one Carthaginian left TOTAL GENOCIDE Rome takes over all of what Carthage used to be creating a Roman world and empire V Roman Culture and Social Order A Hellenistic Influences B Sociocultural Structures 1 Roman Leisure and Public Life Human virtuous existence Roman baths first men then women Developed Plazas Libraries Parks Leisure places Coliseum blood bath sports 2 Family Structure and Hierarchy Maintain a patriarchy Pater Familias oldest dominant male in the household not necessarily father could be more generations under one roof unique depending on the household family cannot operate without his consent while he is alive no sons can hold property once dead property can be divided among sons complete control over daughters marriage applies to all wealth classes control sons develop them into men worthy of him if family owns slaves then this male is their surrogate father control over all clients tutor nanny housekeeper estate managers business associates chef etc 3 Slavery Prevalent by the time of empires Tens of thousands of slaves The wealthy have the most slaves Commercial agriculture was done and slaves were needed to do this farming Most valuable slaves Greek slaves Slaves were probably smarter then non slaves which contributed to the fall of the empire 4 Religion Gods looked like humans but better Believed that SOMETIMES gods would interact with humans Keen on ritual regular offerings and sacrifice offered to gods After Rome adopts Christianity At one point all were required to worship the empire another reason for the fall of the empire Free to practice whatever religion as long as they obey laws pay taxes etc

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