Lecture Ancient Greece Questions to Consider What was the relationship between geography and the development of ancient Greece What were the key political philosophies and developments of Hellenic Greece Democracy aristocracy republic tyranny oligarchies Greek tragedy I Hellenic Origins Geography of Ancient Greece rocky with many mountains dry farming rely on weather to maintain crops olives and grapes wine and olive oil A The Minoans and Mycenaeans 1 Minoan society worship animals animal sacrifice 2 Knossos the principle city 3 The kingdom at Mycenae bring about war and cause Greece to lose much of the culture to a dark age loss of Linear A and B 4 The Iliad and the Odyssey heroic story with SOME true facts ex city of Troy shows us the Greeks outlook on themselves B The Development of the Polis polis Greek city state 1 The city state fortified each had a god goddess watching over them many but not all had kings 2 Types of government aristocracy ruled by the wealthy oligarchy ruled by few idea that individuals have power anyone can rise from the bottom to the top II Spread of Greek Civilization A Greece s Overseas Expansion spread West to the Iberian peninsula East to the North Sea and South to North Africa started slowly began as early as the dark age started just with expanding around the seas of peninsula and further expanded from there 1 Colonization Greek culture was spread throughout what was known as the world at that time all along the coast formed for trade 2 Trade traded their oil and grapes olive oil and wine for what they couldn t get from their dry agricultural conditions weather war and piracy greatly hurt Greece because it restricted their ever so important trade III The Rise of Sparta and Athens A The Growth of Sparta 1 Lycurgan regimen constitution provided by Lycurgus equal lights for citizens citizens spartans only male age 30 female second to men hereditary by marriage 2 Spartan military state individual masculine strength mixed government with 2 kings who were leaders of spartan armies council of nobles under king hereditary elected 5 man council from full citizen reign share power with nobles and comment on political matters B The Rise of Athens 1 Athenian democracy Athena is patron goddess of Athens goddess of wisdom and war no militarized state but warfare is important live in fertile location nobility were rulers limited form of democracy republican government representative military was source of the people s person and representatives 2 Pericles Athens George Washington elected by popular acclaim first leader if democratic Athens similar example todays chief executive extremely wealthy well educated charismatic and war hero spokesman for Athens and Athenian democracy successful ruler coach of democratic team his death signals Athens decent into chaos IV Wars A Century of Warfare after Pericles death civil war among Greek city states along with an invasion of Persians B The Persian wars 1 Delian League on island called Delos 170 polis joined together Athens as lead polis Athens are actually expanding during this warfare time over the Delian League civil war peloponnesian war C Peloponnesian War civil war between N part of Greece and Peloponnesus North and South Greece 1 Peloponnesian League to continue to resist Persians and now resist Athens lead city state is Sparta defeated Delian League and Athens was defeated in military power Sparta became a great power V Hellenic Life A Daily Life and Social Conditions in Athens 1 The Greek family lead simple lives not much furniture in homes open airy rooms simple clothing white bed sheet looking early toga and sandals participate in polis community by attending trials speeches etc most cases woman s place is in home men s place is public 2 Relationships women legally under control of husbands male students would often have relations with their male mentors open about sexuality B Greek Religion in the Classical Period no religious text rich in philosophy believe gods are mostly in their favor 1 Classic Olympian gods immortal and divine human beings live on Mt Olympus monuments raised in each city state for gods 2 Festivities all have wine involved very common never solemn Review Terms Draco dracon drakon came up with set of laws in Athens first law code in Greece of keeping orderly inside polis harsh punishments w no leeway created because people feared disorder and chaos Solan elected reformer poet sole authority for 1 year recreate Athenian society created broader definition of citizenship Archons elected elites rule of the few Pathagrians believed that you could understand everything mathematically ascetic you are practicing an extreme personal deprivation Plato author of the republic book about the ideal polis
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