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Art in Africa 9 28 2011 define terms memorize the 30 objects date country group material significance comparison paragraph Head brass Ife Nigeria still during pavement pd 1300 1400 CE distinctive holes around lower cheeks found in 1938 discovered by local man lil unusual made out of brass Head brass many parrallel striation marks top lip is smooth bottom lip striated holes on highforehead 4 holes around base of head used to attach them to base of alter lines of black and red around eye and neck pigment on surface like Ife terracotta Head with crown brass woman s face found in 1938 once of only three known heads crest on crown emblem of specific dynasty two rows of beads surround crown have some red pigment 4 holes around base of neck and a nail was found in object open on top hole in funerary rites never found at actual tomb used to honor king Head copper Ife Nigeria Mask Obalufon almost pure copper represents Obalufon II third ruler of Ife was a brass caster himself slits under eye so you could see out of mask found in Ife palace signifies importance to the kings Figure of a King brass found in 1938 only complete full figure to have survived from Ife wearing regalia for coronation about to become king beaded cap with crest heavy beaded collar smooth face serene solemn expression rows of cornelian beads wearing two bow shaped emblems similar to badges worn today status horn with things in it in one hand of buffalo other hang holds sector traces of red pigment wearing wrapper with specific knot indicates status full belly king is healthy and well fed represent of Oni king Torso of a King brass abundance of regalia full belly buffalo horn in left hand preparing to be coronated Seated OR TADA Figure copper very famous TADA NIGERIA found 120 miles from Ife on shrine exchange of objects used until 20th century ensured fertility of community fish in river and farm late 1200 to early 1300 not symmetrical used Ife techniques different style wrapper had knot of royal status face has been touched a lot faded eyes alter context cast in pure copper in pieces and then joined together Heads were not once apart of full sized figures meaning of striation do not indicate a specific time period some are made in cast others are chipped in 1 2 3 markers of identity origin status membership of group represent beaded veils worn to conceal faces because they are high status aesthetic device all lost wax casting copper alloy or brass a few are solid copper precious mat uniform style among the heads employ both naturalism and idealization naturalism adhere to appearance of natural world idealization represents an ideal form no faults of human figure most are about life size metal heads were probably used for display on alter all of them have holes many along hairline used for attachments for beads threads veils shows that it was most likely used to display regalia veils are mysterious and related to royalty used in shrine alter context as well as annual rites of purificaition idealized naturalism high forehead almond shaped eye no pupil unlike Nok eyebrow suggested by ridge unlike Nok arrow of full nostril full lips proportional ears balance and symmetry anatomically but they are also unique sense of portraiture

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