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3 17 difference between weather and climate weather is short and is an event you could have a cold weather period climate is over a long time maybe if temperature changed over a year that would be a climate change part of weather is thunderstorms thunderstorms extreme rain fall conversion and temperature distribution can be seen over ocean and gulf stream especially water heats up in florida and cools as it goes away palm trees grow in certain areas of ireland and cornwell b c gulf stream brings warm temps so tropical plants can grow ocean currents allow for temperature distribution current occurs b c of temperatures the current can be simplified to a conveyer belt system this can create wildfires and droughts in Australia scientists believe we are entering an el nina year el nina wet in australia dry in south america will be on test el nino dry in australia wet in south america rain in atmosphere is a low pressure system drought high the equatorial current is what moves this pressure wet low pressure dry high pressure Atmospheric Hazards thunderstorms and tornados lots of lightening occurs in mid Africa and america as well lots of lightening in florida development of thunderstorm clouds go from cumulus stage to mature stage to dissipating stage as the pressure system moves lower more moisture is going into the atmosphere as cloud becomes more dense it fall and turns from gas to liquid aka rain point where this occurs is called the dewy point sometimes charged particles produce and we get lightning

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BC EESC 1167 - Notes

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