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3 14 electromagnetic radiation gamma rays really small rays come from sun light and are dangerous and need to be filtered all the way to the left of the spectrum during a sunset we are only able to see red wavelengths how much energy do we actually have 3 is average coming in and we have to spread that over the half of the globe if you do the calculation its 1 2x10 17 watts are hitting our surface we then analyze how much energy is being released back out turns out that we should have pretty cold temps on earth this calculation tells us earths surface should have a temp of 8 Celsius but its not always that our average temperature actually is 15 degrees Celsius this extra heat is from green house gases which trap in heat gases don t allow these wavelengths of heat to release back out into space this is one of they key concepts we have to think about when thinking about global warming Venus has a layer of CO2 which doesnt allow any radiation to come out which produces temps of 800 to 1000 degrees Recipe for Weather circulation of atmosphere our atmosphere would like spread we can use many scales to interpret weather such as macroscale hurricanes mesoscale torna dos microscale winds there is a cycle in which heat goes up from land and cycles back down towards water from wa ter goes back towards land during the night it goes the opposite way santa anna winds are a result of this cycle as well as wild fires during day the fires get moved downhill during night they get moved back uphill bigger scale surface flow comes from the cold poles towards the hot equator downwell at poles upwell at equator since our earth is rotating a straight line doesn t hit it straight it hits as a divergent in our atmosphere air is rising and during travel of gas particle towards polar region the earth is spinning so the lines don t go straight up towards the poles they get diverged trade wins in the middle allowed people easily to get to america westerlies took guy to Australia extreme dryness comes from the low pressure areas wear arrows go up

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BC EESC 1167 - Electromagnetic Radiation

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