Arabic Philosophy Muhammad 570 632 Arabic Pagan Was an unsuccessful merchant Married a prominent woman Would walk into the mountains searching for enlightenment visited by the Arch Angel Gabriel and was given knowledge With this knowledge he began writing the Qur an kor ron Birth of Islam 622 Exodus to Medina and then the return to Mecca 9 th Century House of Wisdom in Baghdad huge influence Differences Islam v European 1 Less emphasis on great minds a Community of minds instead of one sole thinker 2 Strife between Reason and Tradition Avicenna Ibn Sina 980 1037 Son of a Persian govt official Source where philosophy science and medicine could grow Mainly focused on the translation and commentary of Greek philosophy Aristotle was a Become Gov t official officer of law spokesman ambassador Islamic Aristotle Egotistical Contingent Being Necessary Being Existence Essence Unity One Pure Intellect Earthly Humans Animals Plants Objects Essence Angels Contingent Being a being that does not have to exist Cannot think of God as a person Averroes Ibn Rushd 1126 1198 From Cordoba Member of a family of judges Physician Corrects Avicenna 1 The Universe is eternal 2 God sustains the universe as opposed to an expansion a Intelligence and will characteristics of a person 3 Understanding God s mind is our greatest ambition a Using philosophy to understand b Giving love love of knowledge back to God Supplement with From Africa to Zen pages 120 125
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