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Sunday October 06 2013 GESCHICHTE 150 STUDY SESSION 9 test questions 3 Columbian Exchange Columbian Exchange Old world Guinea pig Turkey Alpaca llama Dog Europeans love sugar Exchange of goods between old world and new world and vice versa Things Columbus brought back Test Questions deadliest disease small pox Diseases most important factor for deaths in the new world Implications of population decline Cortez came for gold needed free source of labor Africans Syphilis disease from new world to old world Test Question impact of Columbian exchange in Indiana soy beans Potatoes came from Andes South America Good in Ireland because of the soil conditions Heavy part of the Irish diet Potato famine 50 million people starved died Cause of Irish emigration to America Columbian Exchange handout Europe New world Horse cow pig sheep chicken honeybee wheat soy beans barley oats sugar cane dandelion crabgrass New World Europe Corn tomato peppers chocolate potato GESCHICHTE 150 Enlightenment Sunday October 06 2013 Immanuel Kant Dare to Know think for yourself New ideas reason questioning Is what s going on to different people within their institutions right Is it reasonable Born from the scientific movement revolution Political and social progress reform Natural laws that affect people PROGRESS brought about from asking questions and challenging institutions Caesare Beccaria On Crimes and Punishment Everyone punished equally under the law Punishment should fit the crime 200 crimes punishable by death Torture used mostly for coercing criminals to admit to the crime Death penalty Doesn t make sense for government to kill people for killing other people hypocrisy and backwards Prisons are better methods deprive them of their liberties reeducate Wealth of Nations Supply and demand laissez faire attitude let nature take its course Individuals pursue their own economic self interests Adam Smith John Locke Father of individualism Two Treatises of Government All men are born free and equal Life liberty and property Government meant to protect the rights of men Tyrannical violates its purpose should be reformed rebellion men have this right Voltaire Individuals should be free to practice their own religion Salon generally hosted by women Upper class French the elite and powerful meant for discussion of politics and other lofty matters not typically discussed by the 3rd estate Spread of Enlightenment ideals GESCHICHTE 150 Sunday October 06 2013 Enlightenment societies American Philosophical society Society of Philadelphia British Literary Societies Men and women of education aristocracy Stimulate ideas and gaining knowledge Coffee houses Encyclopedia Denis Diderot Book Trade Some materials were banned Cheaper material printing journals Newspapers 1702 first newspaper in London Argued for freedom of the press Scientific knowledge and Enlightenment ideas for all not just elite or those who can read Sunday October 06 2013 GESCHICHTE 150 FRENCH REVOLUTION 4 test questions 3 significant aspects 1 Ordinary people and the political scene 2 Reforms based on enlightenment ideas 3 Emergence of nationalism Louis XVI Absolute monarch final say makes every decision no advisor Spent lots of the nation s money financial collapse tax reform Estates General 1st estate nobility 2nd estate clergy 3rd estate Bourgeois peasants TQ 3rd estate meet at indoor tennis court Tennis Court Oath Bastille weapons and prison Enlightenment and Reforms of the National Assembly TQ Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen Ideas expressed by Denis Diderot John Locke and Voltaire Penal Code for the National Assembly Dr Joseph Guillotin wanted to push using guillotine for all executions invented by another Execution of equality considered most humane Created constitutional monarchy kind holds no real power anymore Regicide death of the king Louis XVI attempted to flee France to Austria caught and sentenced to death TQ new body created during National Convention responsible for the execution of the king Other countries enter into war with France GESCHICHTE 150 Sunday October 06 2013 FRENCH REVOLUTION continued Committee of Public Safety is created headed by Robespierre Jacobin Nationalism is born Unity of the people identity of the people as well as the entire nation TQ Robespierre s army 1 169 million people citizens fighting for their country les Marseillaise national anthem The citizen is born lives and dies for the Fatherland similar to Hitler s 3rd Reich Marianne symbol of the French Republic Exposed breasts nurturing Rooster emblem of the Galic peoples Carpenter s level equality of the Republic Reign of Terror speared headed by Robespierre 40 000 people executed including Robespierre GESCHICHTE 150 Sunday October 06 2013 First Industrial Revolution Started in England Most industrialized country Canals transportation trading abundant coal as fuel Willing to loan people money for businesses large capital encouragement of business entrepreneurship 1760 cotton textile cottage industry Slow process Spinning wheels 1 thread spindle at a time Women spinning Men weaving Richard Hartbright water frame Made several spindles Railroad First industrial city Manchester Made cotton shipped to Liverpool George Stephenson 32 miles of railroad 32 mph opening ceremony BIG DEAL William Hutchinson big advocate for the train Run over by train first fatality Couldn t discourage the event bad for business Gothic style station Bristol Clock all clocks were set by Greenwich Mean time iron skeleton stretched across the land 9 000 stations built Gothic revival iron and glass people had control over nature Building viaducts tunnels Railroad language were slipped into everyday communications Famous picture Rain Rail and Speed GESCHICHTE 150 Sunday October 06 2013 Industrial Revolution continued Cotton and textile factories Factory conditions Hot respiratory diseases lint in the air workers could not leave cramped crowded by machines not fenced off Pre industrial work patterns task oriented Could work on and off until deadline as long as it s done by Saturday Saturday due Saturday Monday celebrating Tuesday Friday Saturday slowly progress picks up by deadline Industrial work patterns time oriented Workers fine for showing up late No talking no drinking Could not leave machine Time is money 1850 cotton is king Britain is most important producer of cotton Could buy cheaply mass produced Great Exhibition of 1851 Worlds 1st Industrial Fair Machines and

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