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Discuss why the assessments you make of your personality and that of others are important Discuss the criteria that can be used for assessing accuracy Discuss the four moderators of accuracy and the Realistic Accuracy Model RAM 2 Reputation matters even if it isn t reality Opportunities Employment friendships Examples shyness self assuredness Expectancy Effects Intellectual Rosenthal and Jacobson 1968 climate feedback input output assigned bloomers and nonbloomers in the classroom Social Snyder Tanke Berscheid 1977 self fulfilling prophecy man thinks girl is really attractive so he treats her better on phone conversation in return she does the same 3 Expectancies Where do these expectancies generally come from Observations or data collected from daily life Teachers talk to other teachers look at grade reports etc Expectancy effects in real life are more likely to be correct compared to laboratory Especially strong when held by more than one important person for a long period of time 4 What criteria can be used to assess accuracy Constructivism The philosophical view that reality does not exist only our constructions of reality Answer None personality is a social construction Critical realism the philosophical view that the absence of perfect criteria for truth does not imply that all interpretations of reality are equally valid Answer All information that might be helpful 5 Same as that for assessing the validity of a test Convergent validation the procss of assembling diverse pieces of info that converge on a common conclusion The duck test walks looks quacks like a duck must be a duck Interjudge agreement Behavioral prediction 6 How many people believe that you can judge personality from facial appearance 75 of undergrads say yes 00 study Most research disagreed until recently Some validity based on the face Examples domiant vs submissive sexuality hetero vs homo 7 Choose top bottom 10 of Ss on Big 5 Made composites avgs of all the faces of these people 8 THE PERSONALITY PUZZLE SIXTH EDITION Copyright 2013 W W Norton company Male faces Could differentiate b w low vs high agreeableness extraversion conscientiousness Female faces Low vs high agreeableness and extraversion These are extreme composites not reality 1 0 Other visible signs of personality Extraversion Openness Conscientiousness Musical preferences Firm Handshakes 1 1 Definition Four moderators The judge The target The trait The information 1 2 The good judge Who is the best judge of personality Early findings Accuracy of men vs women 1 3 A good judge shows communion Also more likely to 1 4 The good target Easier to judge people who are stable and well organized Being transparent is good for you 1 5 The good trait easy to observe highly visible Good information quantity The acquaintanceship effect Asked acquaintances and strangers to judge Ss 1 6 Good information quality Some information is better than others Best situation 1 7 One explanation for how accurate judgment is possible 1 2 3 4 1 8 Personality judgments in daily life a are much less important than the results of personality tests b affect the opportunities that people are given c easily reach a high level of accuracy d have low accuracy for all judges 1 9 Based on the four moderators of accuracy it can be concluded that a the good judge must have a specified set of characteristics b the trait that is being judged has the most influence on the level of accuracy c people who are easily judged tend to have psychological disorders d information quality will be high in weak unstructured and emotionally arousing situations 2 0 The Realistic Accuracy Model a is useful for explaining how accurate judgments of personality are possible b includes five stages c implies that accuracy cannot be improved d is unrelated to the four moderators 2 1

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OSU PSYCH 3530 - Notes

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