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Motivation II Deficiency needs Bold and italics are concepts that I predict Robert Smith will ask on the test Sensory needs A Needs within the hierarchy 1 Physiological needs This part would be the focus of this chapter for sure i Procrastination put aside things that will hinder the satisfaction of present sensory needs Psychological hedonism vs ethical hedonism Problem with that Are those claims really true No what if it hurts later Solution avoid pleasure that cause pain or dissatisfaction in a long run What s the best long lasting and mild pleasure should be the best e g friendship Homeostasis needs ii Definition chemical equilibrium Cycle of homeostatic needs Fig 1 Cycle of homeostatic need satisfaction Homeo stasis Drive Object Need Drive object substitute partially satisfy needs What is the difference relationshi p between drive object and drive state Any examples Overt Behavior Drive State Action Impulses 2 Safety needs What responses does the threat to safety produce Fight or flight Physical physical security and psychological safety i e freedom from fears and chaos 3 Belongingness and love needs i Belongingness needs Deficiency based involves diminishing returns social pain causes physical pain implications to daily lives increased awareness of other people think ambiguous situation threatening love needs intimacy revealing the true intrinsic self biggest trouble and even animals have struggles in it ii 4 esteem needs esteem matrix approval of others intrinsic extrinsic intrinsic high self esteem vice versa recall Motivation I self express approval of others high social esteem problems with low esteem needs undermine growth and learning and problems in physical and mental health solution self affirmation developing non contingent self esteem focus on growth Base your self esteem on domains that would not easily fluctuate FYI contingent means it will go ups and downs Fig 2 structure of hierarchy of needs from Motivation I Chapter B Neurotic needs Recall this Unnatural needs states Cause i ii Deprivation Affluence Order of satisfaction human satisfy needs according to the following orders 1 preconditions will be discussed later 2 deficiency needs When needs are satisfied we are in satisfaction 3 drives states state which means reduction in drive state 4 neurotic needs will be discussed relaxed recall Motivation I which states that human will later feel relaxed for a while after satisfying needs 5 growth needs and positive emotions 6 subconscious C Summary of Motivation I and Motivation II 5 preconditions 8 deficiency needs 13 They should be satisfied and at healthy levels ALL adults have neurotic needs

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OSU BUSML 4201 - Motivation II: Deficiency needs

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