Anthropology 200 03 28 2012 We take a bio cultural approach Bio cultural The scientific study of interrelationships of what humans have inherited genetically and culturally Chapter 1 Anthropology the study of humans Interdisciplinary Holistic Time depth The 4 subfields of anthropology Archeology Cultural Physical Linguistic Chapter 2 Evolution Charles Darwin The Theory Of Evolution 1831 22 year old with training in medicine and theology naturalist HMS Beagle captain of beagle asked him to come along for 5 years and be the naturalist for the ship collect natural items and bring them back to England to study them had to collect document and study the natural world Formulate questions of origin of species as he is on his journey where did all these species come from Where did they start Why are they different o Species a group of related organisms that can be interbreed and produce fertile viable offspring a horse and donkey can breed a mule but that mule will not be fertile Galapagos Islands o Finches o Differ between islands and within islands different habitats o Observations led to why were the finches different How did the different species arise o descent with modification or the Theory of Evolution Let s set the stage for Darwin Pre scientific Hurdle Middle ages religious doctrine Grand design o Fixity of species there is no change in species humans will look the way they always do animals will always look the same o Age of Earth o Great Chain of Being humans at top most perfect of organisms and everything leads up to that simple to complex Scientific Revolution Late 1700 s Investigation of the natural world o Circumnavigating the globe sailing around the world o New world had been discovered o People were coming in contact with other people and other organisms of other species in middle ages people weren t traveling and coming in contact with things that looked different like people and species 3 New Discoveries come along o 1 The Earth is actually very old o 2 Surface of Earth has changed over time o 3 Plants and animals have changed Groundwork for evolutionary Theory Geology Hutton and Lyell Paleontology Hooke and Cuvier Taxonomy Ray and Linnaeus Demography Thomas Malthus Evolutionary Biology Jean Baptiste de Lamarck and Darwin Geology Study of the Earth especially it s composition activity and History Paleontology the study of fossils Taxonomy classification of past and living life forms Systematics study of biological relationships over time Demography the study of populations especially birth survival and death rates Evolutionary Biology study of organisms and their changes Geology James Hutton 1726 1797 o Effect of natural forces o Same Natural processes today as in the past o Uniformitarianism Re calculated age of Earth Formation of Strata the different layers of rock Charles Lyell 1797 1875 o Rediscovered Uniformitarianism o Brought it to light and said it made sense o Coined the phrase Deep Time Earth is millions of years old Provided necessary time depth for slow processes of evolutionary change Paleontology Robert Hooke 1635 1703 Hypothesis fossils are remains of past life Fossil Wood o Identical to that of living trees o He came to the conclusion that Fossil wood derived from once living Identified Cells Georges Cuvier 1769 1832 Comparative anatomy to fossils trees life o Looked at Remains of extinct animals o Thought by looking at these fossils we could Reconstruct the history of Came up with the idea of Catastrophism o Cataclysmic events volcanoes earthquake are responsible for changes throughout history in animals o First person to think about how these major changes took place Taxonomy Systematics John Ray 1627 1705 o First scientific classification system o Had great attention to detail o Set out to classify the world around them Carl Von Linne Linnaeus 1707 1778 o Binomial nomenclature Genus and species progress to perfection Gives science a common language Illustrates evolutionary relationships o Rules of Use Capitalize Genus o Lowercase species o Italicize or underline both Homo sapiens Demography Thomas Malthus 1766 1834 o An Essay on The Principle of Population 1798 Population size will increase indefinitely if enough resources will allow it o Therefore Competition for resources food supply Size of a population is limited by its resources One factor can effect the entire size of a population o Malthus was a HUGE influence on Darwin Some members of any species have to successfully compete for food because they have some special attribute o One characteristic could facilitate survival b c your better at getting those resources Evolutionary Biology Jean Baptiste de Lamarck 1744 1829 First theory of Evolution o Change in form over time for self improvement o Develop new anatomical modifications in response to new demands or needs o Inheritance of acquired characteristics When organisms reproduce they pass on to their offspring the modifications that they have acquired during their own lifetime o Also known as Lamarckism Mechanism is wrong o Change does not occur within a lifetime o Change is not directed by will o No inheritance of acquired characteristics Observations Correct o Living organisms arose from precursor species o Relationship between change and the environment Charles Darwin The voyage of the Beagle 1831 1836 The Galapagos Islands is one of the most influential places they stopped o Darwin s Finches o Variations in Beak size and Beak shape o Related to diet Darwin s Finches Adaptive Radiation diversification of ancestral group of organisms into new forms that are adapted to specific environmental niches o Finches adapted to resources on the coast that they were on with larger beaks and smaller beaks o Surviving organisms had attributes that conveyed an advantage for acquiring food over those without o Frequency of this advantage increased over time Darwin Borrows From Malthus page 34 Malthus had five observations Darwin s Theory Evolution by Means of Natural Selection individuals having variation that is advantageous for survival to reproductive age reproduce more offspring than those individuals that don t have this variation Natural Selection Primary mechanism of evolution Evolution change over time over generations Increase or decrease in the frequency of a trait is evolution and that happens by natural selection Natural Selection ultimately must explain adaptation o Adaptations Changes in physical structure function or behavior that allow
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