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Why Independence I 2 nd Continental Congress Bunker Hill Breads Hill 3 John Dickenson Believes Britain will give them independence 3b Franklin Adams Wanted to retreat and break away from the British a Happier to see the continental congress stand up petition was then sent 4 Petition to Parliament 1 Declaration of Necessity A list of things Americans believe the British are going to take away rights as an English citizen 2 George Washington was commander of continental army a Therefore wanted to take them cause they thought it was needed to defend themselves but now are wanting to just talk about it 5 Petition to King Olive Branch Petition believes that KG3 is their friend but controls parliament A Englishmen love KG3 no problem and won t fire troop unless they fire at them All they want is peace 6 Adam Franklin s thought on Petition Strongly suspect that British will help the argument Their happy the petition was sent in the first place a Continental Congress met in Philly Independence Hall II Response to Congress Continental Congress is considered unconstitutional 1 Parliament Thinks it is funny that Americans are complaining about their rights A THIKS it is unconstitutional to send petition 2 King Refuses to read something that is coming from an illegal body of representatives a 1st American Outlaws Capturing British Force Outside the law Dumb to petition king therefore sending out more troops to get bring back the outlaw 3 Activity w in the colonies when British did not read Americans were out rages extremely upset with KG3 and felt betrayed personally a When your in the presence of king colonist go confront the royal governors who are always in the presence of KG3 b Revolution can split families 4 Lord Dunmore Proclamation Ben Franklin son gets thrown in jail Govn of NJ son is 2 ways to look at his ways 1 A blow for human freedom British gov official wants to give freedom to slaves Lord Dunmore British gov t tried to take away rights property therefore it was something you put into gov t all sudden takes it away telling them no 2 Doesn t give a dam as long as he is in authority If he helps slaves you get granted freedom He was dumb didn t want nothing but having his own powers REACTION Englishmen were upset feared slave uprising Bringing up while southern worst fears of allowing slaves to own guns Makes Virginians southern angrier to break free from British 5 Impact FACT believes outlaws and encouraged slaves to kill Members of 2nd continental congress seeing how Adam Franklin saw that British will never give up rights therefore the Americans need to leave once for all Follows their ways III Common Sense 1 Author Thomas Paine New American colonies 13 Understood how special American colonial was letter of recommendation from Ben Franklin Writer if you want make something of your life go to America and went to American with a Doc Ben Rush went to Thomas Paine to write a pamphlet arguing the right for independence just to get a reaction out of Americans b Style Tone this how he got to write most well memorable writings Made lot complex arguments very simple USES Sarcastic humor metaphors biblical style farm metaphors wrote to make simplistic arguments c Flaws of Monarchy Aristocracy British gov t is a monarch in the form of KG3 and are aristocracy in the form of Parliament therefore they thought it was easier to make decisions d If a monarch ruled by one it makes an effective gov t but had two major flaws 1 Yes might get an unqualified leader 2 Thomas Paine called KG3 an ass terrible leader Power Corrupts if give power to people by nature it corrupts abuse their power e How do they abuse it By taking away the rights freedom of the people they rule Power gets to your head becomes extremely controlling CASE POINT Thomas Paine states parliament been taking away the rights of human freedom 2 The Solutions i Lets makes sure to have a gov t elective office gives positions to smart intelligent kind to people because their merit towards that power ii Diffusion of power is not concentrated by one person but power is diffused between certain gov t power groups so that collectively they have the right amount each needs no one gets more less spread the decision so no one person will have all the power to dictate Already began process of gov t 13 separate legislatives power gets distributed iii Common Sense nothing difficult about decisions while gov t was not listening continuing to take rights since Englishmen are already in field fighting creating own gov t Therefore common sense to leave the British Gov t for men to be able to vote IMPACT Enough copies sold became a culture phenomenon everyone talked about Thomas Paine pamphlet allowing the argument iv Adams Resolution Conclusion Instructing legislatives to form Asked 2nd CC to send resolution their own gov t a part from British Empire Why did fight for right to turn into fighting for independence because the combat continued Cont Congress started acting like gov t British rejected petitions King betrayed us Lord Dun Proclamation and Thomas Paine made common sense

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