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HIS 202 Reconstruction Notes 07 17 2013 APPOMATTOX states seceded before others a Robert E Lee referred to as a gentleman s gentleman early on before the full confederacy started when some When VA seceded he said that VA was his home even when he could have been a Union leader position offered by Lincoln but told he was going to stick to his roots Lee goes to Grant to surrender recognized gorilla warfare but when he surrendered he wanted to show that they were going to fight like gentlemen Asked for two request 1 Keep men 2 Keep guns to themselves Once Grant granted his request Lee left in peace ABRAHAM LINCOLN Perspective on reconstruction in the south he was brilliant did a lot of things wrong but his legal reasoning was what made him so brilliant but what he did was for good intentions knew that if the southerners want ed to rise up against they could have and the fact they were bad at fighting wars only had so many slaves a Lincoln went to Robert E Lee to move against the southerners Lee denied it due the fact he was from Virginia Lee called it his country referred to being part of an alliance with everyone else Lincoln and Grant decide they need to go easier on the south so another war wouldn t break out quit fighting Lincoln was on a path to stop slavery April 14th 1865 Lincoln was assassinated and his VP Andrew Johnson became the 17th pres When you beat the army and then leave in peace we will stop fighting classic example Lincoln was a also a supporter of setting up school systems PRESIDENTIAL RECONSTRUCTION 1 South should be readmitted to the union as quickly as possible with as little punishment as necessary 2 African Americans get full emancipation freedom and they have freedom to gain employment property 3 Under Lincolns plan African Americans were not going to become legal citizen as in can be here but not full citizens 4 No compensation to the former slaves meaning there is no real protection for them RADICAL REPUBLICANS If you wanted to win in south you had to change to democrat Were people who wanted to punish the south discussed reparations pay back should the us gov t pay the former slaves for what they put them thought Morally Yes slaves should have been encompassment when free what did they do next how tough it is to survive Legally THADDEUS STEVENS lead the radical republicans Thaddeus Stevens was a member of the United States House of Representatives from Pennsylvania who was one of the leaders of the Radical Republican faction of the Republican Party during the 1860s Why southern have such a problem with the congress and republican gov t CONGRESSIONAL RECONSTRUCTION 1 full political equality for former slaves 2 Economic compensation give slaves 40 acres of land and a mule start your own farm a Had federal land Congress controlled that land if wanted to give land they could 3 No former confederates can hold national office cant be in congress and not a good way to make amends RECONSTRUCTION AMMENDMENTS 13th Amendment abolish slavery all slaves were legally free 1875 good outcome from the war a Example if I get in trouble for not paying taxes they can enslave you but due to the fact that when they put you in prison commit a crime we can enslave you b Appropriate legislation broad aspect make sure they congress could do whatever it takes to o o stop slavery Went beyond just citizenship passed by congress but has to go through 3 things during amendment process 3 14 th Amendment gave citizenship to former slaves gave former slaves the right to be a citizen quarters of the states have to approve it Congress makes everything makes legal change a former slaves that were born here get full citizenship b This is considered the equal protection law They congress want the slaves to be treated as equal but now when people come to court to create a law therefore if they don t like what the state is done they pull the equal protection law 3 5 clause came down to how many slaves are in the population by counting them so they get more congressional representation and north said not until they get complete full rights they don t count as one human being a were taking total number slaves and taking 60 so that the south cant get majority but can get a congressional over ride and therefore all persons count b loyalty oath if not you cant serve in congress meaning its required 15 th Amendment gave the right to vote for the former slaves A in theory when we elect it is based of how they spend out money but if your not contributing pay taxes and they spend it you cant complain But to someone who works if everyone had to pay there would be corruption so the theory is who ever pays gets to vote them to pay more taxes for more property owned B property tax own a lot of property you are using the government for protection therefore makes sense for a Men voted for the women if women didn t have the right to vote so didn t really have a say b African American men voted long before women did REDEEMERS SEGREGATION not allowed to co exist with one another due to color has nothing to do with being poor The action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart o o o o When Pres Truman become president one the big problems to him was that they needed to 1st end segregation in militaries A The enforced separation of different racial groups in a country community or establishment JIM CROW LAWS laws to restrict African American freedom considered African Americans as second class citizens ANDREW JOHNNSON Became the Vice President after Lincolns assassination and then become the 17th US president from Tennessee Tenn was kind of on the union side so Lincoln thought it was a good idea to elect a southerner South hated him because he was working w northerners and North hates him because he is from the south CANT WIN a Followed Lincolns model execute the people who tried and killed Lincoln people at a prison and still went easy on the south their money forcing them to struggle years to do so LOST CAUSE b after the war south lost half their income effects former slaves and rich southerners due they fact they lost all c by end of world war 2 gave southerners opportunities to come back and be successful took a couple hundred southerns began to write the lost cause of history it was a good effort but they were not wrong Were unappologectic about slavery up until the civil rights movement FREEDMAN S BUREAU Suppose to help former slaves integrate into

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