Naturalism Aristotle 384 322 B C Macedonia northern Greece His father was the main physician in King Philip s court So he received some of the top education and quickly outgrew teacher s knowledge and was sent Plato s academy Leaves the academy after Plato s passing and ends up tutoring Alexander The Great After that Aristotle opens the Lyceum in Athens and outshines Plato s academy Becomes known as the philosopher Leaves Athens in fear for his life and dies in Macedonia Aristotle s 4 Famous Causes Combined Form and Matter Rationalism and Empricist 1 Material Cause physical presence of matter ex lump of clay 2 Efficient Cause Mechanical push pull on matter ex Potter s hands 3 Formal Cause Physical Shape ex clay slowly becomes pot 4 Final Cause Alpha and Omega idea definition or concept ex original thought and final product Potentiality Inanimate Objects Plant Animal Humans Actuality Shape Shape and Growth Shape Growth Learn Shape Growth Learn Intellect Intellect ability to take particulars and abstract them into general concepts which can be communicated by reason and language Soul capacity to be alive The Human Soul Rational Perceptive Nutritive
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