Objectivism 500 B C Athens led by Pericles defeat Persians Golden Age 500 About 400 B C 3 Factors Disintegrate Athens 1 Corruption of the Assembly Sopishts Rhetoric 2 Death of Pericles loss of honored ruler didn t help stop corruption 3 Peloponnesian War Athens v Sparta and other city states Socrates 470 399 B C Recruited into the army Known for his physical endurance Taught philosophy after the war on street corners Oracle of Delphi the Athenians go to her and ask who they should turn to Socrates is Wisest Socrates puzzled Dialectic Method Example 1 I think I know but do not Sophists 2 I know I don t know Socrates 3 Highest Level of Knowledge I know and know I know Socrates asks Judge What is justice and then challenges his response with another question his questioning was misunderstood and the Assembly was angered Charges Against Socrates 1 Corruption of the youth 2 Impiety to the Gods See The Apology Condemned to drink hemlock Has chance to escape but It is better to suffer in injustice than to commit one two wrongs don t make a right
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