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8 31 11 SI POLS 207 Sunday 7 8pm Tuesday 7 8pm Wednesday 8 9pm Chapter 1 Americans want to take the easy way out avoid difficulty Immigration Reform Act of 1960 higher fertility rate more optimism explains higher growth rate of Hispanics compared to whites Chinese Exclusion Act allowing more Asians in because China was our ally lifted Act Highest per capita income White Highest level of education Asian Highest level of household income higher for Asian Americans lower for whites o Asians have larger households they live together More paychecks States created the federal government and states create oversee local governments Government programs that do not bring benefits should not be copied o Why do states enact policies that have not worked in another state 1 Other states may be unaware of failures 2 Those making decisions may think their state offers a better chance for the program to work what failed elsewhere will succeed in their state 3 They may not care that it s failed before as long as it benefits certain interests 4 Those making the decision may be under pressure to take effective action at least temporarily by enacting a program that s failed before 5 Voter demands may result in what is popular rather than what is truly 6 7 8 effective If a state is in trouble they may grasp at any program that offers help even unsuccessful ones If it helps elected officials get reelected they may pass policies that will fail In states where voters can enact policies they may do so without knowledge of other failures in other states o Why would a state fail to enact a policy that has worked in another state 1 Those making decisions may be unaware of other state s successes Legislators may think their state does not offer a chance for the 2 program to work 3 Those making decisions may not care that a program will succeed if the program does not benefit the interests they care most about 4 Those making decisions may be unwilling to reallocate resources from other programs or obtain additional resources to implement the successful program 5 Voters may be ignorant of successful programs elsewhere 6 Those making decisions may ignore successful programs elsewhere if they believe inaction will not reduce their chances for reelection 7 Voters may be indifferent to successful programs that benefit a small or unpopular segment of the population 8 Those making decisions may not think the problem is sufficiently important Administration costs makes healthcare costs high Healthcare is the first highest expenditure for the U S government o Healthcare is one of the highest costs Not in correlation to quality More than half is paid by federal gov t National defense is the second highest expenditure for the U S o Paid completely by federal gov t Social Security is the third highest o Paid entirely by federal gov t Elementary and Secondary Education is the fourth highest expenditure o Primarily paid for by the state government State choice 9 7 11 Comparing States and Communities Physical and demographic o Size and population o Percentage metropolitan 50K 110K Wealth o High income Social Problems o Murder o Unemployment o Educating children Coping with social problems o Death penalty o Costs of public education Elementary and secondary education is state controlled Each different state expands how they want o TX state spending went down from 80 to 40 until TX Supreme Court stepped in because ruling was based on our TX constitution We want to use our federal spending o In terms of percentage our federal spending is at its highest level 2009 Over time it bounced back and forth between state being higher 9 9 11 Fairly consistent starting in the 50 s of federal being higher than state Went down during the 90s o Surplus under Clinton wanted to reduce gov t spending Highest during WWII Correlations not the same thing as Cause and Effect o Technique for expressing relationships in quantitative terms o The degrees of inherent association which exists between any two variables occurring simultaneously in the same universe o Run between 0 to 1 perfect relationship and 0 to 1 If it is between 0 1 the slope runs from left to right positive correlation If it is between 0 1 the slope runs from right to left negative correlation

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TAMU POLS 207 - Chapter 1

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