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Nutrition and Sports Final Guide 1 Know the legal limit for urinary caffeine concentration and how intake affects the measurement Caffeine is one the banned substance list but it is only banned if one has more than 15 ug ml in their urine Optimal intake seems to be 5mg kg BW given 1 hr before exercise helps reduce fatigue the best and plasma level was still elevated after 5 hrs 2 What are the performance benefits of caffeine consumption and the required dosage Caffeine increases resting FFA and glycerol levels and helps stimulate adipose tissue lipoysis It does not increase RER FFA uptake glycerol release or muscle glycogenolysis or fat carb metabolism during exercise Optimally one needs to consume 5 mg kg BW 1 3 Explain caffeine s mode of action Caffeine works by binding the cell receptors because its structure is similar to adenosine It binds to the receptor and blocks adenosine binding and this leads to an increase in nerve activity and vasoconstricts the vessels These receptors are present in cells in most tissues It also helps secrete epinephrine 4 Explain green tea s mode of action Weight loss An oral green tea extract Polyphenon E appears to inhibit vascular endothelial growth factor and hepatocyte growth factor both of which promote tumor cell growth migration and invasion Beta alanine is an amino acid derivative that is synthesized in the liver and supplementation usuall requires 3 6g 5 Explain beta alanine s mode of action for 3 weeks It increases carnosine concentrations within skeletal muscle Histidine BA o Carnosine is a buffer during high intensity exercises 6 Know the possible mechanisms of HMB action HMB is a byproduct in leucine metabolism and thus is normally in the body With animal studies there have been increases in LBM and decrease in fat content with supplementation It is effective in producing more strength gains with the theory of delaying muscle protein breakdown Some theories of the mechanism are that HMB stimulates HMG Co A reductase and this increases substrates for muscle repair Another theory is that it decreases the ubiquitin pathway electron chain transporter which would normally activate some proteasome which will increase protein degradation So HMB prevents this pathway The positive effect is it acts on that mTOR pathway just like leucine to increase protein synthesis So it works and it is not banned 7 What happens when you combine caffeine and green tea Although the effect of caffeine cannot be distinguished from effects of coffee and green tea consumption of caffeine containing beverages appeared to favorably alter hormone levels associated with the risk of developing breast cancer Do they work 1 Explain when buffering solutions may be appropriate and why What is the typically recommended dosing guideline 8 Buffering solutions help displace the H lactate that buildup during anaerobic exercise Normally the increase in H will lower the cells pH become more acidic and this will impair contraction by inhibiting Ca binding A buffering solution contains HCO3 and this helps remove the H so it doesn t buildup as fast You can do this with baking soda 0 3 0 5 g kg bw in a 0 5l solution 1 2 hrs before completion works by increasing the pH and thus increasing power longer Side effects are diarrhea bloating cramping and myalgia muscle pain If you take sodium citrate you could relieve some of the GI problems This only works with maximal exercise so 400m 800m Only anaerobic 9 Why is EPO use both beneficial and potentially dangerous EPO is straight up blood doping They are making their body make more RBC so they can carry more oxygen and thus perform better The athlete will have increases in hemoglobin amount and hematocrit RBC in blood with a 6 week treatment It works and it is illegal Endurance athletes will use it mostly Runners have used it and cyclists have also A chronic Fe intake also support RBC synthesis and is not illegal though Side effects are stroke MI and heart failure 10 Know the typical creatine supplementation dosing strategy its effect on total Cr and the resynthesis of PCr How does CHO influence supplementation Creatine supplementation works by increasing the creatine amount and this is involved in that P CR system It increases P CR availability which lowers dependence on glycolysis which will then decrease lactate glycolysis creates it less lactate means no muscle fatigue Then during exercise recovery bouts it replenishes P CR ATP faster normally 50 in 1 min w o supplementation The P CR system was that all out energy supply that can last for 10 sec The more creatine the system can last longer up to 30 sec Creatine supplement does work but for 30 sec exertion 5g creatine increases plasma level 5 10x in one hour Usually they supplement with 5gx4x dx5 days The body can only store 160 mmol kg though CHO ingestion with creatine works better to increase P CR stores The reason being the CHO stimulates insulin and we know insulin keeps the muscles uptake molecules It seems that this effect only lasts for 24 hrs though so you have to CHO ingest the first day only with creatine Creatine helps improve performance in exercise that lasts up to 30 sec It increased power torque strength and reps performed It has shown to increase bench press leg press and power in sprints When looking at bouts between 30 150 secs isotonic and isokinetic work and bicycle power were slightly increased But running swimming were not affected In longer duration the only effect was a lower heart rate during biking Although it did increase endurance in ONE test 1 11 How has Cr been shown to affect body composition Body weight and lean body mass were increase with supplementation but there were no difference in FM body fat and body water So it does increase weight and LBM but not affect FM and body fat So where is the extra weight coming from 12 This is actually a false statement because the body is actually produces creatine in the kidney Taking extra creatine does not affect the kidney unless taken in very high dosages since creatine can be found in natural animal products 13 What affects do Andro stenedione and stenediol have on the body Since taking testosterone is banned they had tried to take a precursor made in the body The idea is that it will stimulate the synthesis of more testosterone 100 mg for 5 days had no effect on testosterone levels 100mg for 12 weeks still had no effect 300 mg for 8 weeks had no effect Another study had 300 mg increase testosterone and maybe

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FSU PET 3361 - Nutrition and Sports Final Guide

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