Describe three components of public and community health that differ from individual health According to chapter one of our text this week the components for population health are Health issues Populations Society s shared health concerns Society s vulnerable groups Health issues refers to physical mental cosmetic genetic social functioning Populations refers to geographic limitations local state national global governmentally defined Society s shared health concerns are communicable disease toxic substances product and transportation safety communicable diseases and cost of health care Also considered are disasters climate changes technology hazards emerging infections diseases Considerations are historical current and emerging Historically we looked at purely physical health The past several decades have given rise to needs related to mental health including substance abuse Public health has always been about shared concerns regarding communicable diseases and the overall approach has changed over time with the times Some early vaccines were developed out of need to protect groups of individuals such as the 18th century discovery of small pox before public health became organized Public health awareness emerged in the 1830 s and 1840 s and the idea of social injustice was considered the root cause In 1872 the American Public Health Association was formed Individual health seems to turn to the discussion of civil liberties and rights and how that impacts public health Example smoking in public places Reference University of Phoenix 2010 Public Health 101 Chapter 1 Public Health The Population Health Approach Retrieved from University of Phoenix HCS 457 website Second Reponse Twentieth century public health ia a result of several factors that affected professional perception and approaches to how illness and disease are treated that include the biological revolution improvements in epidemiology vitamin development and the discovery of penicillin Components of public health departments include public sanitation and disease prevention and education vital statistics and vaccinations which are all population oriented and geographically limited Riegelman 2010 Individual health during the twentieth century appears to have progressed under the same factors with advancements in delivery systems HMO s and PPO s Medicare and Medicaid early detection behavioral change interventions health insurance coverage and innovative equipment Library Index 2010 In addition emergency medical services advances account expedient efficient and safe patient transport and treatment These components address the quality and continuum of care of individuals and on a national level Although the individual health services function usually effects to a certain extent the outcome of public health department goals to a positive extent public and individual health practices were still considered separate and distinct functions Differing visions produced missions methods and procedures that prevent and treat disease and illness for targeted groups with public health departments meeting needs that individual health care could not meet However a newly developed concept of Population Health attempts to merge the the two approaches to improve health services coordination address society s shared health concerns and define society s most vulnerable groups Riegelman 2010 References Riegelman R 2010 Public Health 101 Healthy people healthy populations Sudbury MA Jones and Bartlet Nation s Health Care System The Components Of The Health Care System http www libraryindex com pages 1817 Nation s Health Care System COMPONENTS HEALTH CARE SYSTEM html The
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