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CCJS100 Study Guide Juvenile crime is decreasing peaked at 1995 Juvenile property crime is decreasing peaked at 98 Juvenile drug abuse has leveled off peaked twice in 70s and 90s No increase in crime because of immigration More immigration crime in middle of the country states not border Read what works report read small paragraph for each program and overall trends did they find they were able to give a recommendation didn t find they had a good amount of results False confessions or admissions Innocence Eyewitness misidentification and most common cause of overturning cases Abstract and conclusions of white collar crime Know bolded terms Unreliable or mis Government misconduct Informants Bad lawyering Reading list 3 terrorism Militant organizations are most likely to do charity work when the state is absent or it discriminates against a specific group will most likely have people to follow them 1970 2004 15 of all explosive terrorist attacks use an IUD and IUD use has increased over time terrorism post 9 11 FBI went from reactive proactive distinguishing early signs of terrorism is difficult but there are certain windows of opportunity Reading list 4 WCC Rate of incarceration for WCC increased after Watergate Scandal Do elite offenders have more severe sentences after Watergate NO Reading list 5 immigration Macro levels of immigration effect of immigration as a progress Micro levels May have protective effects decrease crime It bolsters the family increase number of 2 parent families and lower divorce rates so less crime Public trend on immigration remain stable same opinions Which theoretical rationale between the relationship between immigration and crime Social capital and family structure Reading list 6 what works reading Findings more research needs to be done but can tell people what works and what doesn t Section that nothing worked communities section Technology lecture Major difference we use a lot of technology today Massive databases fusion center more access to information E tix traffic light tickets M urgency thing on phone that helps you when you re in trouble DNA analysis issues with testing too few labs that are stacked takes 3 Cyber crime is increasing months ethics and competence of scientists and technicians DNA decays rights of those asked to submit DNA replication of DNA can be changed Issues with new surveillance people don t like to be watched in AMERICA different in London we have it on campus Hard technology advances in corrections and community corrections in book terrorisms premeditated violence why are new groups more dangerous Religious affiliation recruiting professionals and experts that have the ability to cause a lot of damage terrorism is usually directed at a larger audience designed to produce a positive social change supported by active supports activists vs leaders leaders contractors hired a lot less these days and free lancers osama bin landen not owned by anybody does what he wants activists carried out violence female terrorists are ruthless active faster more single minded Primary motives want for autonomy secular to religious regime political or social change Secondary wants revenge renown reaction Don t need to know terrorist tactics Target hardening improving interagency collaborative unit tactical units Governments are most likely to enact repressive policies and attack terrorists according to research this strategy has been shown to increase terrorists attacks and make them more violence CIA does not officially conduct torture Terrorists premeditate and criminals are opportunistic Police are preventive they don t go out and investigate Military goal is to get info that will happen next FBI goal to get info that will hold up in court CIA info for president Closed circuit tv cctv Pay attention to what works part of reading 6 Know top percentages in little box on left side ex know public opinion poll

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UMD CCJS 100 - Study Guide

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