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DQ4 1 What kind of data management applications are used in your organization I m not currently working anywhere but in my old organization a pharmacy we used several data management systems of our own and some in collaboration with the providers inside the clinic Our collaborative system with the providers was AHLTA This system allowed the providers to input the patient s health information while protecting their privacy at the same time There was a lock on the system that kept other non AHLTA users from viewing the information but it allowed us in the pharmacy to see their medication profile so that we could fill their medication The other system that was specifically for pharmacy use was CHCS This system is where we input prescriptions but we could also view the patients history demographic information etc Both of these systems were strictly managed allowing only individuals with security clearances to have access to them And even when access was granted you had to have 3 different user names and passwords before you could even access the database so as you can see they were very strictly managed so that the patients privacy was protected Response 2 In the 911 system we use GPS tracking devices such as phones radios and even in the vehicles The main system that is universal is the NGS911 it is comprised of hardware and data and holds the operational policies and procedures This system helps with call centers including emergency and non emergency calls Which all of the calls are recorded it helps maintain our incident response team Then we have hand held computers that allows the paramedic PHRN s to input data about the treating patients in our care The NG911 provides extensive security methods at the hardware and software levels that enable individuals to hack in the system

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UOPX HCS 483 - What kind of data management applications are used in your organization?

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