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DQ3 2 What are the benefits and drawbacks of outsourcing the IT function The benefits are the cost saving the staffing levels focus the morale flexibility the knowledge and flexibility There are factors a company must consider in making a successful transition and forming a partnership with the right vendor First the business should determine to Decide what is important Because if the functions is not strategic to the business then your business may consider outsourcing it to an expert provider The major potential disadvantages to outsourcing are the poor quality control the decreased loyalty of the company the lengthy process bid and loss of the strategic alignment Now these can be addressed in minimized where most companies who do the outsourcing process in an informed and a different way Another words the business can process the functions and the needs to make sense in order to prioritize the outsource by the numbers of the benefits the business gains This way the company employees may have a better understanding of the industry that he or she makes decisions on his or her goals with the company Indeed most analysts discourage companies from outsourcing core functions that directly affect the products or services that the business offers Response 2 Out sourcing is a strategic move where both benefits and loses must be weighed In many cases benefits can include lower cost and higher productivity less expensive work force and lower cost raw resources Drawbacks can be loss of local jobs increased shipping cost lowe quality merchandize loss of oversight supervision communication issues of not having staff local When considering out sourcing one must weigh the pros and cons to make a good business decision There is never only one way and in many cases there are several choices and combinations of choices to archive the strategic goals of the company When talking specifically about IT functions one also runs int language barriers and support issues Depending on the needs of the system this can be a positive or negative issue Depending on where out sourcing takes place Canada vs Indonesia

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UOPX HCS 483 - What are the benefits and drawbacks of outsourcing the IT function?

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