Running head TEEN PREGNANCY 1 Teen Pregnancy HCS 457 TEEN PREGNANCY Teen Pregnancy 2 Public health involves the health of the nation Public health protects the health of everyone and is concern with the individuals Hence community health protects those in a community and is concern with the overall health statistics Also in community health it involves physicians and other health professionals Community health helps to oversee the food water supply and the general environment CDC 2009 Each level of the government has its checks and balances It is about separating of power amongst the different branches It begins with the federal government which has supremacy over the other agencies Then there is the state which is over the city or local counties The importance of knowing this is where does the funding for health care and other needs of the people come from The primary function of the government is to remain in power Therefore the government will not relinquish its power In the eyes of the people it must prove its legitimacy to remain in office The administration of all governments recognizes that the public must be protected When the government takes issues such as teen pregnancy that is a concern to the people and it is on the rise According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancies 3 in 10 girls in the United States become pregnant at least once by age 20 With more than 400 000 teen births annually the nation has the highest rate of teen pregnancy and childbearing in the industrialized world Fortunately in 2008 there was a 2 decrease in the number of teen pregnancies HHS 2006 Public health comes into plays when a teen becomes pregnant The key is early detection and education so that the mother and the unborn infant are protected Teens are faced with things such as smoking drugs use and sexual pressure Without education teens can be faced with unwanted pregnancies and suffer from a lack of nutrition Without a proper diet the pregnant teens could be at risk for premature birth The problem with premature infants is that they can be in risk for a lifetime of illness Therefore the teens should be TEEN PREGNANCY 3 made aware of the danger that their infants could face Public health departments has taken on the incentive to encourage the teens to apply for women infants and children WIC This program provides additional food to low income families or children with low birth weight This program allows women who are pregnant to apply even while they are pregnant One of the most controversial issues in public health is teen pregnancies The risk factors include being poor living in a single family household Or if the teen is a victim of child abuse can play a huge role in risky sexual behaviors For these teens education is important for both male and female The teaching should be abstinence as the only approach as most educators are aware that teens can be stubborn Comprehension health education that includes contraception use and the effects of teen pregnancy Teens need to have options such as sports and after school part time jobs The other issue is STD s the reason that the teen became pregnant may be that the contraceptive was ineffective for many reasons So the other issue is STD s which no one is prepared for Peers are the most important influence when it comes to teen s sexual behavior The government is aware of this and considers if this is a public health issues or a community health issue This is a community health issue because it addresses the need of the teen community In the community health the health care providers will address these concerns and report back to the overseeing agency the need for teen pregnancies programs Conclusion TEEN PREGNANCY 4 Public health concerns itself with the health of the people In looking at community health its main concern that medical care is provided by the health care professionals The government is set up to prove itself needed by the people So in essence the government has to allocate funds to the proper agencies This enables its local agencies to the serve those in need TEEN PREGNANCY 5 Reference 2009 Centers for disease control Retrieved from http www cdc gov nchs index htm 2006 HEALTH Human Services Retrieved from http www hhs gov
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