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Website Review 1 HCS 457 Version 2 University of Phoenix Material Website Review Find national state and local governmental health agency websites that address the issue you selected in your Week One assignment Follow the example to document your findings in the table Health issue Teen Pregnancy Website Website Information Type Example http www cdc gov media h1n1flu index htm FAS Type of Surveillance survey self report statistics case report and so forth Statistics and self reporting Local website http www plannedparenthood org health center center Details asp f 3278 a 90270 v details Statistic and survey Table of contents search print videos surveillance data current and past deaths hospitalizations and educational resources Table of contents Service offered Educational resources Videos Operating time And location and map Current and past data Identify two interventions that affect the issue Vaccine hand washing and isolation masks Pregnancy prevention education and contraception and preventing STD s Data changes over time Has the incidence increased or decreased Swine flu incidences have decreased There are now isolated cases compared to the fall of 2009 There has been a decline in some groups United States still have the highest rate of teen pregnancies than other countries Local website http pregnancyjacksonville com Table of contents Case self reporting Programs and sex Website Review 2 HCS 457 Version 2 education Educate teens on pregnancy prevention Teaching on abstinence and giving information on family planning issues identify and develop culturally sensitive and relevant educational materials about family planning Encourage teens to Focus on education State website http www dchd net maternalchildhealth htm Service offered Location and telephone number Self reporting Search Table of content Service offered Location and telephone number State website http www dcf state fl us Survey self reporting and statistics Site Search DCF Quick Facts Program available Education resources Current and past data Table of content Search Print Surveillance data Education resources Site navigation Print Search Education resources Current and past data Survey Statistic and self reporting Teen pregnancies rate have changed very little since 1980 Teens educational programs and being responsible Statistic and self reporting The rate of teen pregnancy is still on the rise Abstinence and personal responsibility give training and encourage after school jobs National website http www cdc gov nchs index htm National website http www hhs gov Website Review 3 HCS 457 Version 2

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