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Discussion Question How important is it to choose the right tools given the paradigm shift to user facing web based application solutions How has this affected the traditional SDLC analysis phase Answer With the convergence of technologies around Web enabled applications almost every software vendor offers tools for integrating their software into the Internet or a company wide intranet As an application architect one of the biggest challenges can be determining which Web architecture and Web tools to use for a particular project This is why it is vital that we educate ourselves and understand what architectural options and Web tools are available This can be accomplished by understanding the pros and cons of each Such areas must be taken into account 1 Performance 2 Portability 3 Maintenance 4 Integration 5 Scalability 6 Longevity 7 Overall system compatibility 8 Required development skills As for the second portion of the DQ the analysis phase of the SDLC is affected by this shift because the beginning phases of Website design have shifted from a simple planning and analysis phase to something like marketing venture Project managers may not even need to be involved within the process and much of the development has nothing to do with IT

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UOPX BSA 385 - Essay

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