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Based on the Woodward 2010 article what affect does Service Oriented Architecture SOA have on the traditional SDLC Why has SOA had such a dramatic influence on system development According to Woodward s 2010 article SOA is helping organizations minimize the time needed to implement new applications However SOA affects the traditional SDLC in many ways not just in time efficiency Traditionally an application was created serves it purpose and then because of becoming obsolete is removed destroyed uninstalled But SOA allows organizations to reuse and reappropriate an application s services indefinitely With SOA even when an application becomes obsolete portions of that app can be dismantled and reused for other programs This extends the life of portions of the original program This means a program never truly dies it merely resurrects itself inside a newer more current system The author makes the reference to a credit card authorization service Even though the web service using that credit card authorization code might become obsolete the organization can reuse the credit card authorization portion in the newer system SOA has become such a large influence on systems development because of its systems agnostic temperament and its ability to communicate with systems behind multiple corporate firewalls This has helped dramatically with B2B B2C programs Now using SOA organizations can unite data resources between multiple organizations without the need to port or convert data assets By using separate integrating software components organizations can also dismantle communication systems between old partners This allows organizations to be more flexible with the organizations they collaborate with In the new economy being able to quickly pair up data systems with partners and then dismantle quickly will be highly advantageous

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UOPX BSA 385 - Essay

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