CLP4134 Abnormal Child Psychology Unit 1 Ch 1 Intro Normal Abnormal Behavior among Children Adolescents I II Four Fundamental Questions a Who has a problem b How unusual c What is abnormal d How to restore typical development Early Psychological Attributions a Life experiences matter b Typical development c Onset course of disorder III Behaviorism a John Watson Give me a dozen healthy infants i ii Little Albert IV Classical Conditioning Car Wreck a Before Conditioning i Unconditioned stimulus unconditioned response ii Neutral stimulus No conditioned response b During Conditioning c After conditioning i Car wreck Unconditioned response i Conditioned stimulus conditioned response V Defining Psychological Disorders a Specific symptoms and 1 or more of i Distress ii iii Risk of Future harm impairment Impairment b Symptoms distress or impairment c Common thread d What is notable absent i Cause Effect VI Effects of Diagnostic Labels a Treatment i Communication among providers ii Explain symptoms to patients b Research i Describe groups of symptoms ii Create and test treatments c Stigma Impact on diagnosis Impact on treatment i Stigma ii iii VII Developmental Pathways 1 CLP4134 Abnormal Child Psychology Unit 1 a Developmental pathway sequence of events that may be related to a similar beginning different observed outcomes same outcome different observed previous experience disorder b Multi finality finality c Equi Risk Protective Factors a Definitions Examples VIII i Risk 1 ii Protective 1 i e poverty poor childcare parent death low birth weight i e average or higher IQ family network Impact is complex Prevalence Treatment Options iii IX a Prevalence rates refers to all cases whether new or previously existing observed during a specified period of time i e the number of teens with conduct disorder in the general population during 2007 and 2008 i Point prevalence ii Lifetime prevalence have had the disorder at any time in their lives indicates whether children in the sample iii Treatment options X Poverty as a Risk Factor a General not specific b c Direct causes of risk Indirect effect XI Race Ethnicity XII a 44 in 2011 62 in 2050 b No real difference in prevalence c Difference in treatment access values beliefs and practices Culture a b What does shyness mean c Limits to generalizability i Compatibility XIII Sex Differences a Internalizing decrease around age 10 b Externalizing i Same at age 4 and boys increase continuously and girls start to i Boys Girls very different at young age and decreases over time to become very similar around age 18 c In prevalence rates i Boys hyperactivity disruptive learning ii Girls anxiety depression eating d But why 2 CLP4134 Abnormal Child Psychology Unit 1 i Definitions ii Reporting bias iii Actual differences in underlying disorder a Etiology interconnected system of influences on not causes of an observed outcome i e disorder level of adaptive behavior c Biological social and psychological factors all contribute to mental Ch 2 Theories Causes I Etiology b Practical Limitations II Multiple Causes a Not motivation alone b Other causes i Genetic ii Family iii Peer health III Interdependence a Environment influences child b Child influences environment c Which is first d Transactional model IV Continuity Discontinuity a Definitions i Continuity ii Discontinuity b Symptoms often emerge slowly c Aggressive preschool child d Risk protective factors V Integrative Approach a No single theory is enough i Development of the individual ii Biology iii Psychological factors iv Family cultural factors b Not competing explanations VI Adaptive Behavior a Adaptive behavior b Three components i Skills ii Frequent iii Infrequent VII c Importance of context Organization of Development a Typical sequence 3 CLP4134 Abnormal Child Psychology Unit 1 b Basic Complex c Sensitive period i Different for each skill ii Not absolutes d Adaptational failure VIII Neural Plasticity a Neural plasticity b Another transactional process c Various types of experience IX Genetic Influence on Behavior a Basics b Limitations i Not destiny ii Never direct influence iii Rarely a single gene c Not if but how much d Mechanism of influence i Gene protein ii Protein brain structure or function iii Brain response tendency e Another transactional process i Epigenetic ii Self selection of environment X Behavioral Genetics a Familial aggregation i Examples ii Limitation b Twin studies i MZ vs DZ twins ii Limitations XI Molecular Genetics a Specific DNA sequence predicts behavior b Doesn t explain how c Rarely a single gene XII Neurobiological Influences Structure Function a Each region has a purpose b Some are disorder specific c Regions mature at different times Neurobiological Influences Endocrine System XIII XIV Neurobiological Influences Neurotransmitters a Hormones produced in brain b Travel to organ via blood c More detail in specific disorders a Communication within brain b More like letters than words 4 CLP4134 Abnormal Child Psychology Unit 1 c Target of psychotropic medication i Seek to increase or decrease specific NT ii Not directly related to a specific behavior XV Function of Emotions a Activates fight or flight response b Highlights important stimuli c Useful or distracting XVI Mal adaptive Emotions a Context matters i Oppositional behavior ii Ambiguous situations iii Leftover response patterns Infants look to caregivers when uncertain b c Relation to anxiety pathology XVII Emotion Reactivity Regulation a Reactivity i individual differences in the threshold and intensity of emotional experience XVIII Temperament Personality ii Regulation dysregulation a Evident in first days of life b Definition i Style of behavior ii Appears early iii Influences how child is treated how Influences probability of any given disorder c XIX Dimensions of Temperament a DIFFERENT FROM BOOK XX Dimensions of Temperament a Positive Emotionality i Predisposition or sensitivity to positive emotions approach i Predisposition or sensitivity to negative emotions avoidance motivation sociability b Negative Emotionality motivation social withdrawal c Effortful Control with long term goals d Independent orthogonal i Capacity for behavior contrary to current emotion consistent i Level of any one dimension PE NE EC unrelated to level of the other two e Continuous not present vs absent XXI Temperament Psychopathology a Examples i High NE 5 CLP4134 Abnormal Child Psychology Unit 1 ii Extremely high EC iii Extremely low EC
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