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Liberalism TRIUMPHANT 04 24 2014 Birmingham campaign Nothing was dramatic enough happening wherever else they were so they moved to Birmingham on purpose because the police chief Bull Connor there was a violent racist Sent our kids to get attention who were rounded up and put into the city jails until Bull Connor started pulling out fire hoses and releasing police dogs on these kids which was extremely dangerous I The Struggle for Federal Civil Rights Legislation A 1963 A Turning Point JFK reached out to black community but only to win the election and didn t really care about the civil rights movement Freedom Rides organized by CORE got them some attention Gov George Wallace stood on schoolhouse steps blocking 2 AA students who the Fed Court ordered to be admitted into the school JFK begins to support the movement with a speech and introduces a Bill to give justice dept a stronger roll in initiating desegregation in the south B The March on Washington At Lincoln Memorial late aug 1963 activists organize march to put pressure on congress to support JFK s bill Stage a massive sit in but then JFK and gov officials get older black leaders to make it more of a calm march that wouldn t shut down Washington Integrated march demographic diversity integrated peaceful middle class gathering including religious officials Nationalistic patriotic picture at the Washington mall with the monument in the background Assassination of Evers got national attention C The 1964 Civil Rights Act II The Campaign for Voting Rights A Mississippi Freedom Summer 1964 86 of non white people lived below poverty line only 5 of voters were black even though 50 of population was terrible voting rate black SNCC CORE SCLC was pushing to register people to vote B The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party state gov to Montgomery Alabama march C The March on Selma 1965 authorities respond with violence Blacks call on LBJ to send troops to help them D The Voting Rights Act 1965 III Assessing the Southern Civil Rights Movement No economic equality achieved IV LBJ and the Great Society A The Immigration Act of 1965 doors opened to closed to B The War on Poverty Michael Harrington The Other America 1962 Economic Opportunity Act 1964 Community Action Programs Michael Harrington o The other Americans Not all Americans were MC Economic issues come to forefront when civil rights and voting rights were passed MLK Poor People s war C Medicaid Medicare Work study programs are developed head start aid for families loans for small urban businesses Backdrop of the poor whites Effort to bring all Americans to MC standards Community Action was an effort to empower the poor but these people often led strikes to improve public housing or oust corrupt officials that they actually needed support from D Evaluating the Great Society TEXTBOOK Decreased malnutrition and hunger Greatest reductions in poverty in American poverty These programs were all very expensive War began to compete with the great society for funds 04 24 2014 04 24 2014

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BU HIST 104A - Liberalism TRIUMPHANT

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