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McCARTHYISM AND REPRESSION AT HOME 04 03 2014 I Scope One in 3500 of the American population was in the communist party Books were banned that had communist undertones Teachers were required to sign loyalty oaths during the red scarel America has deep historical roots in fear of radicalism anarchists communist manifesto published 1948 1917 Bolshevik revolution makes it seem like communism could actually takeover a nation and in 1919 there was the red scare in the united states as WW II ended Stalin common cause communistm opens doors to affiliated ideals 1930s late 1930s people opposed to communism right joining forces with fascists who are left to oppose communism loyalty oaths for teachers renewed FBI spies Trueman Doctrine and II Historical Roots III Chronology A Late 1940s Truman and the Federal Employee Loyalty Program House Un American Activities Committee HUAC Hollywood Ten boards evolved into anyone considered a disloyalty risk homosexual debt Picasso painting 5000 10 000 Americans lost their jobs because of the red scare family member who s a communist o lavender scare o gay lesbians were seen as security risk homophobia Hollywood blacklisting is where it started House Un American Activities Committee HUAC o committee not associated with McCarthyism B Acceleration in the Early 1950s 1 International Shocks soviets must have been spying if they created an atomic bomb only 4 years after America china just happens to turn communist 2 High Profile Conspiracy Cases Alger Hiss 1949 Klaus Fuchs 1950 Alger Hiss o former state dept employee advisor to FDR at Yalta suspected in giving secrets to the soviet after the soviet fell it was revealed that hiss was somewhat responsible for passing documens jury convicts Hiss of Purgery Klaus Fuchs o manhattan project spying 3 The Emergence of Sen McCarthy red scare McCarthyism o McCarthyism is the worst case of the red scare o senator from WI o February of 1950 he announced he had a list of 205 employees in the state department who had committed treason o penetrates iron curtain of the federal gov to reveal gay people and phoneys this is all about rolling back the new deal Companies used red fear to undermine leftists and labor unions IV Why Did It Happen Conflicting Theories In 1919 immigrants and ethnics were accused of bringing these alien ideas to America but this red scare is different Anyone was fair game to be targeted catholic church is anticommunist latching onto anti communism was the best way to prove you are fully and wholly Americans Immigrants used this to show they were truly American V McCarthy s Downfall Army McCarthy Hearings 1954 Joseph Welch McCarthy was accusing the Army of being infiltrated with communists dominated national TV and exposed McCarthy s aggressive tactics Joseph Welch lead attorney for army in these hearings 04 03 2014 04 03 2014

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