MGT FINAL EXAM Retyped from the Photo Copies SPRING 2013 1 According to the textbook leaders who inspire followers to transcend their own self interest for the good of the organization and are capable of having a profound and extraordinary effect on followers are leaders 2 Which of the following bases of power would a manager use in supervising his her a Visionary b Transformational c Transactional d Democratic employees a Legitimate power b Reward power c Coercive power d All of the above e Only legitimate and coercive power 3 Which of the following would an employee do when faced with favorable inequity according to the equity theory research a Be more likely to take fewer breaks b Be more likely to work extended hours c Be more likely to believe that he she is better than what he she actually is d Be more likely to increase quality performance e Be more likely to increase quantity performance 4 Which of the following is false with respect to punishment a b c d e It can lead to aggression against the punisher It can lead to lowered self confidence in the punishee It should be typically used as a last resort It is OK to use when the behavior being punished is unsafe It replaces the bad behavior with a good behavior 5 Which of the following would NOT be considered a substitute for leadership a Technology b An experienced and knowledgeable employee c An employee who is satisfied with their job d A low cohesiveness work group 6 People with Machiavellian personalities believe that any type of behavior is acceptable if it helps them achieve their goals Add this skill with the ability to create strong bonds with followers and according to the textbook you have described a leader who is a n a Unethical charismatic leader b Negative transformational leader c Charismatic ombudsmen d Manipulative transactional leader Illegitimate visionary leader e 7 Which power base best exemplifies leadership a Legitimate power b Coercive power c Referent power d Reward power e Expert power 8 Which of the following is NOT an example of Initiating Structure leadership behavior a Providing coaching on new techniques to enhance job performance b Determining the employee s work methods and procedures c Checking the quality of a subordinates work d Scheduling the subordinate s work e Providing emotional support and encouragement 9 An employee performs poorly on his job so he won t get promoted to a new position He doesn t desire the new position because he doesn t want the headache of the added responsibility that comes with the new position This is an example of a Punishment b Extinction c Negative reinforcement d Positive reinforcement 10 All of the following are true concerning the leave alone zap trap except It causes employees to engage in CYA behavior a b Good performance is punished and poor performance is ignored c d It may lead to high performance increasing initially due to an extinction spike It s overcome by delivering 4 positive consequences to every negative consequence It will cause motivation and productivity of the work group to decrease over time e 11 Which of the following is NOT a criticism of Herberg s 2 factor theory It has been shown that hygiene factors can motivate people It s contingency theory of motivation a b c The interview data suffered from the self serving bias d It assumes everyone has an expressive motivation e The sample of which it s based is not representative of the entire work force 12 Which is NOT an aspect of an effective goal setting program in all situations a A challenging yet achievable goal b Periodic feedback about goal related performance c Acceptance of the goal by the employee d Rewards for goal attainment e do you best goals 13 Which of the following factors determines the feasible set in the Vroom Yetton s normative theory of leadership a Subordinate acceptance of the decisions b Time to make the decision c Quality of decision d All of the above e Only decision quality and subordinate acceptance 14 The fact that groups allow us to verify our perceptions of our jobs an organization s reward system a supervisor behavior etc reflects the facts that groups a Socialize us b Act as linking pins c Act as leveling agent to keep us on an even plane d Satisfy our social needs e Satisfy our reality needs 15 A middle LPC leader can be best characterized as a a Behaviorally flexible leader b Leader who tries to change the situation to fit her style c Relationship oriented leader d Task oriented leader e None of the above 16 As a business owner you deliberately under reward your employees for the work they do to motivate them in the future In this situation your benevolent employees will perceive your equity sensitive employees will perceive and your entitled employees will perceive out group members a Equity unfavorable inequity unfavorable inequity b Favorable inequity unfavorable inequity unfavorable inequity c Favorable inequity favorable inequity equity d Unfavorable inequity equity favorable inequity e Favorable inequity equity unfavorable inequity 17 Which of the following is true concerning reciprocal theory of leadership In group members are led a b When both groups are lead the performance differences between the in group and out group often disappear c Out group members are supervised d All of the above are true e Only A and C are true 18 According the Fielder s contingency theory of leadership leadership training a For the most part is a waste of time b Should focus on training leaders to be more democratic in their leadership styles c Should focus on training leaders to change the situation to fit their style d Should focus on training leaders to be more flexible e A and C 19 Which of the following is a characteristic of a formal group a b c d e It develops naturally It has specialized roles and duties It may not support the organization s goals It emphasizes personal and social relations It helps to satisfy an employee s social needs 20 During this stage of group development the group develops unwritten rules to improve relationships and avoid conflict and becomes very cohesive This stage is referred to as a Performing b Adjourning c Storming d Norming e Forming 21 Herzberg s 2 factor theory advocates as the way to motivate employees a Leadership b Job enrichment c Excellent pay and benefits d All of the above because the 2 factor theory advocates that what is motivational depends on the individual 22 In the end the behavioral theory of leadership the
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