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Corrections Chapter 9 Notes 1 Staff goals hierarchy positions a Roles The normal patterns of behavior expected of those holding particular social b Staff Roles The patterns of behavior expected of correctional staff members in particular jobs Four Main Goals of Correctional Staff Members c i Security of the community ii Effective functioning of the institution iii Ensure that incarceration is secure but humane iv Give inmates the opportunity to develop d Staff Hierarchy i Administrative Staff run the prison ii Clerical personnel Record keepers iii Program Staff Teachers counselors etc iv Custodial Staff 60 of staff the correctional officers captains lieutenants They maintain order v Service and maintenance staff janitors etc vi Volunteers chaplains etc 2 Corrections Officers a Power i Legitimate Power derived from the correction officers CO positions in the ii Coercive power based on the inmates belief that COs can and will punish iii Reward Power the COs ability to dispense both formal and informal rewards iv Expert Power based on inmates perception that certain COs have valuable v Referent Power based on the inmates respect for a particular fair and non organization disobedience skills abusive CO b The Staff Subculture i Subculture Inmates v Staff The beliefs values behavior and material objects shared by a particular group of people within a larger society ii Structured conflict the tensions between prison staff members and inmates that arise out of the correctional setting c The Officer Code i Always go to the aid of an officer in distress ii Do not lug bring in drugs for inmate use iii Do not rat on other officers iv Never make a fellow officer look bad in front of inmates v Always support an officer in a dispute with an inmate vi Always support officer sanctions against inmates vii Maintain officer solidarity in dealings with all outside groups viii Show positive concern for fellow officers d Personalities i The Dictator The CO that enjoys having this position of authority They love power and enforcing all of the rules ii The Friend The CO that tries to befriend prisoners and earn their respect This is a slippery slope Many try to take advantage of this person iii The Merchant Smuggles in weapons cell phones drugs etc iv The Turnkey Going through the motions get their pay check waiting for retirement looking for other jobs etc v The Climber They go above and beyond on everything vi The Reformer they complain and criticize They think they can run the institution and do things better vii The Do Gooder has an ambitious personal agenda that they are trying to push e Job Assignments posts a Female Officers b Stress safety Industrial Shop and School Officers use of training and educational resources i Block Officers Supervise inmates in housing areas ii Work Detail Supervisors oversee the work of inmate work crews iii iv Yard officers supervise inmates in the prison yard v Administrative Officers control keys weapons visitation vi Perimeter Security Officers fill security gun tower wall and perimeter vii Relief Officers temporarily replace absent officers or filling staffing vacancies 3 Staff Issues i Face special problems in male dominated profession ii Typically perform with a less aggressive style than men i More common in prison work than many other jobs ii Factors that create stress 1 Feelings of powerlessness 2 Feelings of meaninglessness 3 Social isolation 4 Safety c Terrorism i Threats in the communities and institutions from both outsiders and inmates

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