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Corrections Chapter 2 Notes Punishments Punishment in Ancient Times o Ancient Punishments Documented in Ancient Greek orators poets and philosophers Ancient Hebrew history the Bible The Roman Twelve Tables published in 451 B C o Most likely death as punishment Physical Punishment o Flogging whipping The cat o nine tails which had nine knotted cords fastened to a wooden handle The Russian knout which had leather strips fitted with fish hooks Criminals were branded with a mark or letter signifying their crimes o Branding o Mutilation Lex Talionis Eye for an eye Sex offense be castrated Instant Death Beheading hanging garroting Frequently reserved for nobility Burning alive breaking on the wheel Lingering Death Torture Public Humiliation The stocks and the pillory Confinement Before prisons were developed conflicts would be held till trial or death Exile Transportation Sent convicts to other lands The rack using red hot pincers to pull flesh away and cording Emergence of Incarceration Pieter Spierenburg 1500 penal bondage emerged Bondage any punishment that puts severe restrictions on the condemned person s freedom of actions and movement including but not limited to imprisonment Imposed on criminals vagrants debtors and others o The House of Corrections 1500 1700 First workhouse in England was called Bridewell Humanitarian movement At first prisoners in workhouses were paid for their work Focus on incarceration instead of corporal punishment o The Emergence of the Prison Two main elements fueled the development of prisons as we know them today A philosophical shift away from punishment of the body toward punishment of the soul or human spirits and The passage of laws preventing imprisonment of anyone but criminals Prisons as institutions in which convicted offenders spend time as punishment for crimes are relatively modern Reforms o William Penn 1644 1718 Founder of Pennsylvania Was confined in the Tower of London for crime of promoting the faith Influenced the Great Act of 1682 Eliminated all forms of capital punishment unless capital murder And eliminated physical punishment o John Howard 1726 1790 Was taken prisoner by pirates on a trip to Portugal His 1777 work The State of the Prisons in England and Wales became the foundation of English Penitentiary o Cesare Beccaria 1738 1794 Formed the Academy of Fists On Crimes and Punishment punishment swift certain severe o Jeremy Bentham 1748 1832 Advocated utilitarianism People choose actions that bring happiness Hedonistic calculus People choose behavior based on minimal consequence Inventor of the panopticon all seeing o Sir Robert Peel 1788 1850 Established the London Metropolitan Police Force Punishment should not be imposed by the police but the judiciary Gaol Act of 1823 Reform British jails Make them more sanitary Male and females separate o Elizabeth Fry 1780 1845 Motivated by strong Quaker faith the expose the plight of women in prison and fight for better conditions o Marry Belle Harris 1874 1957 First warden of the Federal Institution for Women in Alderson West Virginia she advocated correctional reforms and supported the reformation ideal Harris argued in faro of reformation not punishment as the primary focus of most correctional intuitions programs o Sanford Bates Bates was the first director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons BOP Video on Prisons Jails Bates believed in rehabilitation and in the value of inmate labor o Walnut street jail Penance o Pennsylvania systems Eastern One of the first to build towers Solitary confinement o New York Auburn or congregate system Up the river or big house Inmate could be organized into jobs that made revenue Construction work o Built the prison with prisoners from limestone o Working together o Very small cells 3x7 with bucket for toilet o Sing sing one of the first to give inmates uniforms and leg weights o Cottage system For women Separate from men o Alcatraz Old military prison Remodeled First supermaximum security prison Closed o Marian Supermax in Illinois First spot for a Supermaximum high security units

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