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Jaymie Ticknor Intro Philosophy 1050 Sect 003 7 and 9 April 2014 Lecture 19 Simone de Beauvoir s Second Sex social vs natural the emphasis placed on these differences is exaggerated authentic existence women not accepting radical freedom but instead participates in social constructs pre determined ideas which causes them to be happy with being the Other sex character is a result of her situation one is not born a woman but becomes a woman First Wave Feminism suffragettes movement in 19th century concerned with basic rights such as right to vote Second Wave 1950 60 s onwards broadened the debate to a wide range of issues sexuality family the workplace reproductive right de facto inequalities and official legal inequalities Third Wave challenges imperial feminism more concerned with an inclusive race ethnic and religious differences contains internal debates between difference feminists who believe that there are important Central Thesis women have always been forced to occupy a secondary place in the world in relation to men the whole feminine history has been manmade Biological Essentialism women are biologically destined to be cognitively and morally different from men disagrees with this anti essentialist Women dangerous to be in public sphere because of being unpredictable since they are emotional don t form a collective unit not say we complicit in this easy role of being the Other determined by the facticity oppression inferior from fewer opportunities Disregard essentialism and ideas of inferiority superiority completely Pharr Suzanne Economics can be forced to do anything in order to survive benefit of those who control Three weapons of sexism the wealth keep victim s self esteem low Violence second means of keeping women in line physical and psychological violence society as perpetrator shows women in advertising TV shows etc as sexual silly etc Homophobia violence against men and women who step out of expected gender roles without the existence of gender roles there would be no homophobia or sexism Strategies of Feminism Feminists are not anti man but pro equality in her view all lines of oppression are connected Bell Hooks Gender theory mainstream feminism has marginalized other voices on racial and religious lines allowing men into the feminist movement so no separationist ideology anti intellectual stigma that we must bridge that gap in order for progress and equality to occur which men do women want to be equal to negative connotation not wanting to be associated with the term hoping for diversity of women s social and political reality struggle to end sexist oppression

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