Final Study Guide POLITICAL SOCIAL ORG 6 questions 5 Modes of Livelihood Egalitarian Ranked Social and economic inequality Little differences in access to resources Authority Foraging Horticulture Pastoralism Agriculture Individuals attain formal social status but most have access to The ability to force ones will on others for personal interest The legitimacy an individual has as a result of their social position Industrialism resources to live Stratified Social Power Ex Status Age Kin Employment Office Bands Small groups of related individuals rely on foraging for subsistence egalitarian leaders recognized based on skills Simple bands and Composite Usually horticulture or pastoralism egalitarian sodalities non kin groups no centralized authority village head or big man frequent warfare Large populations related through marriage horticulture and agriculture political institution ranked society with chief status from kin States industrial production centralized government formalized law tax Membership based on citizenship much larger agriculture and Chiefdoms Tribes LANGUAGE COMMUNICATION 9 questions SA Shared knowledge of sounds signs symbols meanings and Displacement Unlimited productivity non reflexive Human Language the meaningful part of a word total stock of all words in a language Language grammatical rules Can be written spoken or symbolic varies between populations Morpheme Lexicon Sapir Whorf Hypothesis world language determines thought written and spoken language 3 differences human animal Black vernacular Broca s Wernecke s parts of the brain linked with speech production An African American variety of American english two parts of the cerebral cortex involved with understanding context free open endedness symbolic the languages we learn create our perception of the RELIGION 6 questions Religion Difference from magic beliefs and behavior related to supernatural beings and forces and beings to act in certain ways involves the supernaturals where doctrine is direct and formulated statements about religious beliefs Difference between doctrine and myth magic is the attempt to compel supernatural forces myth is a narrative with a plot that SOCIAL STRATIFICATION 4 Questions Power the ability to take action in the face of resistance through force if Caste a social system linked with hinduism in which you are born into your necessary social position with very little mobility society usually measured in terms of income or wealth Class a way of classifying people on the basis of their economic position in
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