MGT 3200 Final Exam Review Questions From Class 1 According to Maslow s hierarchy of needs theory The lowest unsatisfied need in the hierarchy motivates your behavior A satisfied need cannot motivate your behavior The highest level of motivation is self actualization All of the above 2 Given that most jobs are specialized what needs are typically frustrated for most employees a b c d a b c d e Social Esteem Self Actualization All of the above B and C In Alderfer s ERG theory relatedness needs are equivalent to what needs in Maslow s hierarchy of needs a b c d e Social Esteem Physiological Safety A and B 3 4 6 In Herzberg s 2 factor theory what motivates employees a b c d e Pay Leadership Job Enrichment Benefits All of the above 5 Which of the following is NOT a hygiene factor Pay a b Supervision c Working conditions d e Co workers Autonomy If a person held a specialized job that paid well and had great benefits this person would experience which of the following states according to 2 factor theory a Job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction b No job satisfaction and no job dissatisfaction c Job satisfaction and no job dissatisfaction d No job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction 7 Which of the following is NOT a criticism of 2 factor theory a b c d Some people s hygeines are other people s motivators It was based on a sample that was not representative of the enitre workforce The way the interviews were conducted led to biased responding It assumes everyone has an instrumental motivation toward work 8 Which of the following is not an aspect of an effective goal setting program in all situations 9 The autocratic tell and sell method works to improve employee performance by increasing a Goals that are specific b Goals that are challenging yet achievable c d Rewards for goal attainment e Subordinate participation in goal setting Periodic feedback about goal related performance a b c d e The specificity of goals The difficulty or callenge of the goals The amount of feedback about goal related performance The frequency of rewards given for goal attainment The acceptance of goals 10 Which of the following conditions is appropriate for the use of participation in goal setting The manager s style is autocratic There is low trust between management and labor The employee doesn t desire added responsibility a b c d None of the above 11 When an employee starts performing well to avoid being fired this is known as 12 Which of the following is also known as avoidance learning a Positive reinforcement b Negative reinforcement c d Extinction Punishment a Positive reinforcement b Negative reinforcement c d Extinction Punishment 13 Which of the following is not true concerning punishment a b c d It may lead to anger aggression on the part of the punishee It may cause the punishee to lose self confidence It replaces the bad behavior with good behavior The frequency of the punished behavior is likely to rise when the punisher isn t around 14 Which of the following is true concerning reinforcement theory The consequence for the behavior determines its frequency The person receiving the consequence determines whether it is positive or negative a b c When using extinction the behavior may actually increase before it decreases d e Only a and b All of the above 15 In the jelly bean motivation trap high performers receive inequity and low performers receive inequity 16 High performance under the leave alone zap manager 17 When a manager falls victim to the leave alone zap trap he fails to use which consequence for managing behavior a Negative consequences b Positive consequences c No consequences d None of the above the leave alone zap manager uses all of the above consequences 18 Under the jelly bean motivation trap which of the following individuals is most motivated 19 When rewarding on assumed needs a manager s reward to an employee for good performance could be considered by the employee as all of the following except Favorable unfavorable Favorable favorable a b c Unfavorable favorable d Unfavorable unfavorable Increases a b Decreases c Increases then decreases d Decreases then increases a High Performer b c d Average Performer Poor Performer All of the above Extinction a Punishment b c Positive Reinforcement d Negative Reinforcement 20 Customer Service employee works A works 60 hours a week and is paid 900 Customer Service employee B works 40 hours and makes 600 This is an example of what a b c d Equity and inequality Inequity and equality Equity and equality Inequity and inequality 21 According to equity theory People want to be treated equally at work People more readily perceive favorable inequity than unfavorable inequity a b c When you treat people fairly in reality everyone will perceive fairness d When people perceive inequity it creates tension that they re motivated to reduce or eliminate 22 When employees are faced with unfavorable inequity which of the following may occur a Reduced quantity quality performance b c d e Extended work breaks Stealing from the employer Increased absenteeism and turnover All of the above 23 When employees are faced with favorable inequity which of the following will likely occur Increased quantity quality performance Fewer work breaks Less absenteeism Increased confidence in the worker that they deserve the rewards given 24 According to Fiedler leadership training Should focus on training leaders to be flexible Is for the most part a waste of time Should train leaders to be more democratic in their leadership style Should teach leaders how to change the situation to fit their style b and d a b c d a b c d e score and are a leader a High relationship oriented b c d High task oriented Low task oriented Low relationship oriented 26 Which of the following is not true concerning Fielder s contingency theory Anyone can be a leader if the find the right situation If a group is not performing well the situation and not the leader is at fault a b c High LPC leaders perform best in very favorable conditions d e Middle LPC leaders perform well in all situations Low LPC leaders perform best in very unfavorable conditions 25 Using the least preferred co worker LPC scale if you describe your LPC in very negative terms you have a LPC 27 A leader shares a problem with individual subordinates one at a time gets their suggestions about how to best solve it and then makes the decision alone This leader is using which of the following decision making methods 28 In Vroom and
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