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BSC 109 Exam Two Review Chapter Six 1 What are the principle functions of the muscle system Produce movement to generate revision Contraction shortens distance between bones Skeletal muscle moves bone 2 What are the synergistic and antagonistic muscle groups Synergistic groups that work together Antagonistic groups that oppose each other 3 Name the tree types of muscle tissue their function whether they are involuntary or voluntary whether they are single or multinucleated and whether they have slow fast or moderate speed of contraction Cardiac moderate functions in the heart involuntary single Smooth very slow surrounds hollow structures involuntary single Skeletal moves body parts voluntary multi 4 What is the point of origin versus insertion for a skeletal muscle Skeletal muscles attach to skeleton at two points o Origin stationary bone o Insertion moving bone skeletal muscle moves bone 5 Define Myosin and Actin and be able to identify an image of a relaxed state or a contracted state of a muscle fiber Sarcomeres o Mysoin forms thick filaments o Actin forms thin filaments 6 Define slow twitch and fast twitch muscle fibers and know in which activities they are utilized Slow twitch endurance long duration contraction contain myoglobin o Jogging swimming biking Fast twitch strength white muscle short duration contraction o Sprinting weight lifting tennis 7 Know the difference between strength training and aerobic training Strength training o Resistance training Short intense Builds more fast twitch myofibrils Aerobic training o Builds endurance o Increases blood supply to muscle cells per week At least twenty minutes three times a week 8 How long should a person reach his her target heart rate and how many times 9 Know the causes of Muscular dystrophy Tetanus muscle cramps and pulled muscles Muscular dystrophy shape and length Tetanus o Genetic defect in the protein dystrophin that helps keep muscles o Bacterium clostridium tetani infection of puncture wounds o Toxin tetanospasmin enters neurons o Because inhibitory neurotransmitters are blocked muscles continue to contract lock jaw Muscle cramps Low blood flow o o Salt imbalance sodium and potassium Pulled muscles o Injury to fibers and connective tissue 10 Name and be able to identify and label muscle groups from the in class activity muscle sheet Chapter Seven 11 Name the four functions of the circulatory system Retrieves nutrients from the digestive system Exchanges gases with the respiratory system Carries water excess water and salts to the urinary system for disposal Carries some metabolic wastes to the liver 12 What are the three main components of the circulatory system Heart Blood vessels Blood o Arteries veins capillaries 13 Name three functions of blood Transportation water Regulation the pH of body fluids Defense illness being spun down Plasma 55 Platelets and WBCs 1 RBCs 44 o Of gases nutrients metabolic wastes excess salts and excess o Regulated body temperature the volume of water in the body and o Contains cells that help protect the body against infections and o Components of blood also help in prevention of excessive blood loss through the clotting mechanism 14 What percentage of whole blood is plasma platelets and WBCs and RBCs after 15 What are red blood cells produced Production of RBCs are regulated by secretion of a hormone when cells in the kidneys detect a decrease in the level of oxygen available for the body 16 What is hemoglobin and where is it found and what molecule does it transport Oxygen binding protein found in blood Protein made of 4 polypeptide chains that each contain a heme group Removes carbon dioxide from the body 17 What are white blood cells Major function in the body is defending against injury and disease Contain a nucleus and translucent Shorter lifespan than RBCs 18 Name and describe the three types of Granular Leukocytes Neutrophils o Most abundant type of granulocyte accounting for 60 of all WBCs o Surround and engulf foreign cells and are the first to encounter infections o Have an affinity for bacteria and some fungi so circulating levels are increased during these types of infections Eosinophils o Make up only 2 4 of WBCs o Defend the body against large parasites ex worms o Surround parasites and release digestive enzymes to destroy it o Moderate the release of chemicals that determine the severity of allergic reactions Basophils o Rarest WBC and account for only 0 5 of WBCs o Contain histamine which is release during body tissue injuries initiates the inflammatory response o The inflammatory response recruits plasma from surrounding blood vessels which aids in repairing tissue damage 19 Name and describe the two types of Agranular Leuokocytes Largest WBC Monocytes o o Make up about 5 of WBCs o Can stimulate lymphocytes to defend the body o Especially active during chronic infections viruses and certain bacterial parasites o Can further differentiate into macrophages which engulf foreign and dead cellular debris Lymphocytes o Make up about 30 of circulating WBCs o Classified in two types B Lymphocytes B Cells Can mature into plasma cells that produce antibodies T Lymphocytes T Cells Help to target specific threats ex viruses cancer cells bacteria during infections 20 What are platelets Small megakaryocyte fragments that circulate in the blood Not considered living cells Live 5 9 days in circulatory system Instrumental in the clotting process that limits blood loss during injury Release proteins that help in blood vessel growth and repair 21 Name and describe the three stages of hemostasis Vascular spasm o Constricts blood vessels to reduce the flow of blood around an injured blood vessel o A single spasm can last up to 30 minutes depending on the extent of injury before the second stage begins Formation of a platelet plug o After an injury free floating platelets swell develop extensions and stick to vessel walls and each other to form a seal around the injury If this seal cannot stop blood loss clotting occurs o Blood clotting coagulation o A series of chemical reactions that involves at least 12 substances introduce a meshwork of fibers that result in immense thickening of the blood 22 What is an antigen Any foreign cell that is not generated by the host system that stimulates an immune system response to defend that host 23 What is an antibody Produced by the host lymphocytes in response to antigens Seek out antigens to bind and target them for destruction with the

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