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BSC 109 Exam 1 Study Guide This study guide is to aid you in studying the course material for the exam The study guide does not replace lecture material or reading the text The topics listed below is a non exhaustive list of the main points in each chapter All material presented in lecture and the text is fair game for the exam Ch 1 Life Scientific Method Summarize the specific characteristics most biologists accept as the signs of life o What are the 7 characteristics of life o Be able to provide examples of each type of characteristic Describe the classification system used to group all living organisms o How do we classify organisms o What is the order of classification o What are the unique characteristics for humans as a species Discuss the steps of the scientific method and how it may apply to daily life o What is the correct order of the steps o Provide examples of each step Ch 2 Chemistry Define matter and describe the composition of its smallest identifiable functional unit atoms o What are the different components that make up atoms o How are these components arranged o What are the charges of these components o How are atoms and elements related different What changes them List the three types of chemical bonds and discuss their relative importance in molecules List five properties of water that are essential to living organisms What is tonicity and how does it affect cells What is polarity in molecules and why is it important Explain how acidity and alkalinity are measured by the pH scale o Which atoms are most likely to be polar or nonpolar o How is polarity different from other types of atomic bonds Identify and discuss the element that is the common building block for all organic molecules o What are the monomers and polymers of the major macromolecules o Be able to identify the characteristics structures and uses of the four macromolecules Explain the role of carbohydrates in energy production and structural support for living organisms also covered in chapter 3 What are enzymes and why are they important to cellular activities o How can enzymes be destroyed what is that process called What is the smallest unit of energy that cells utilize o How do cells obtain that energy also in chapter 3 Ch 3 Cells Metabolism Compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms Discuss the structure and function of the components in the plasma membrane List and state a function for the organelles of the cell Describe the specific cellular structures that provide mobility in cells both internally and externally Explain the different types of passive and active membrane transport o What macromolecules are these locomotive structures made from Distinguish between the processes of anabolism and catabolism What is cellular respiration Where does it occur within the cell What are the inputs and outputs o What are the four stages of cellular respiration o What is the most important step of cellular respiration makes most number of ATP o What happens during the process of cellular respiration when oxygen is not present in the cell Ch 4 Tissues Skin Define the term tissue Discuss the classification and function s for epithelial tissues Describe the different types of connective tissue and state their primary function for each type Compare and contrast the three types of muscle tissue and indicate where each one could be found in the human body Explain how neurons differ from glial cells List and give a function for the major structures of the integument diagram of dermis and epidermis Contrast the different types of cells that make up the integumentary system melanocytes keratinocytes Describe what hair is and how it is formed How is hair a part of the integumentary system What are the diseases disorders of the integumentary system Ch 5 Skeletal System What are the primary functions of the skeletal system What types of tissues make up the skeletal system o Which elements and molecules are extremely important for the skeletal system elements compounds that are rarely used in other organ systems Explain how compact and spongy bone differ and how they are the same Summarize how bones form and how they grow in length Compare Contrast the functions of osteoblasts osteocytes and osteoclasts List and be able to identify describe the bones belonging to the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton 15 bones the vertebral column Differentiate between arthritis and osteoporosis List disorders of the skeletal system

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