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o Developing culture encouraging innovation managing change System of shared beliefs values guiding behavior internal Set of signals of what is consider appropriate vs inappropriate external Tends to shape attitude reinforce the beliefs direct behavior set expectations Zappos story great place to work MGMT 301 Final Exam Chapter 9 Managers must Big Three Things All Videos are important Culture o It is Personal o It is organizational o It is Corporate the way we do things o It is Global o Sub Cultures Academic type and level Functional ex marketing Observed and core culture o Ice burg o From personal organizational global corporation and culture shaping attitudes 1 visible dress office symbols slogans 2 Invisible expressed values 3 Assumptions deep beliefs ex we are a family o Core Culture Values and beliefs about right ways to behave Stories Easily remembered and passed on o Instills deeper cultural understanding i e Wegmans increases average purchase Where performance and Culture intersect Rites creates connections to people and organizations o Builds morale and encouragement o Shared hands on experience Symbols o Common understanding of culture o Easy to recognize Heroes Shared knowledge of hero stories o Established or represent core values Innovation o Taking a new idea and putting into a practice The process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value or for which customers will pay o Process Lean Principles reduction of waste Reduction in cost Increased turn around Better customer service o Product ipad kindle o Business model changing the way we do business now Dish and blockbuster o Sustainable Toyota Instagram Excellent example of a business model innovation for instagram and facebook Sold app to Yahoo for 30 Million Summly App Zero Waste o Nick Delozio innovator 17 Y O Commercialization o Post it note story o Tom Szaechy teracycle video Structure 5 elements o Strategy Includes innovation o Culture values innovation o Structure supports innovation o Management Supports innovation o Staffing for creativity innovation o Definitions and application Change o To make the form nature content future course etc of something different from what it is or from what it would be left alone It is personal and organizational o Dealing with change Denial anger bargain depression acceptance move on Moneyball Billy Bean o Transformational o Incremental Day to day process improvement IBM hostess o Burning platform Lou Gerstner CEO of Hostess Twinky shut down in Nov 2012 Reopen from new company in July 2012 Approaches Change Drivers Confident of ability Willing to take risks Status Quo Holders Threatened by change Bothered by uncertainty Prefer predictability Seize opportunities Expect surprise Support status quo Make things happen Wait for things to happen Change in Process o Unfreeze create a need for change o Change Implement and make the process of change o Refreezing stabilize the change and scan for the future Monster change issue is time Skunk works smaller tests to see if it would work before implementing Curt Lewins Who moved my cheese Force coercion strategy pursues change through formal authority and or the use of rewards or punishments Rational persuasion strategy pursues change through empirical data and rational argument Chapter 10 HR People a cost or an asset o A cost to reduce o An asset to develop Human capital economic value of employees skills and knowledge Strategic Human Resource Management o Aligns Human Capital with organizational strategy Three functions o Attracting Assess need and define job Recruiting strategy and implementation Candidate selection and offer process o Developing Orientation socialization Training and experiences Top 10 Training Subjects o Managerial o Industry specific o Business Practices o Compliance o Other product quality o Information tech o Customer service o Orientation o Interpersonal skill o Sales Mentoring process of assigning an early career employee to a senior manager for Coaching working with a manager to develop personal and business Coaching mentoring career guidance competencies in a holistic manner Performance MGMT Two fold purpose o Measures and documents work performance o Used a developmental tool to enhance work performance o Keeping Compensation and benefits in line with market Clear career path identified Work life balance focus Career planning matching individual career goals capabilities to opportunity Career development managing how a person progresses in a career Career path providing structure flexibility and direction for a person to achieve greater work responsibility The building and maintaining of a quality workforce HRM How we Recruit o All External 35 o Internal and Referral 65 o In depth interviewing 5 Selection methods ASTD American Society for Training and Developing Synergy better performance Buy In people will support what they come up with Skill development Enjoyment fun o Personal vs professional o Conflict on roles o Work styles o Technical and personality testing o Real time or simulated actual work o Background checks o Assessment centers Health and aging issues slide graph o Majority of workers are 25 54 In 2018 there will be a lot more 55 Read in book only labor relations and independent contractors Chapter 14 Teams and Teamwork Team o Collection of people who regularly interact to pursue common goals o Synergy when the whole is greater than the sum NASCAR Redbull skills and chemistry o Benefits More resources to put on problems Improved creativity innovation Improved quality of decision making Greater commitment to tasks Better control work discipline More individual need satisfaction Increased motivation of members o Common Team Problems o Cultural miscommunication o Personality conflicts o Power struggles o Participation slackers or drivers o Lack of focus o Group think o Poor follow through o Definition of quality o Maturity o Free Riders o Workload imbalance Managers and 4 ways to interact with a team o Supervisor o Facilitator o Participant o Coach o Interlocking network Slide with 5 different teams o Committee ongoing o Cross functional team come together o Project team task force short term o Self managing self director o Virtual team never meet physically Cross functional with Cisco and Virtual teams GE Telepresence Virtual conference rooms help builds relationships Inputs Throughputs outputs building blocks o Inputs number one thing is selection of people

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PSU MGMT 301 - Final Exam

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