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Migration and Industrialization Lots of immigrants moving west Native Americans already lived there and were being pushed off of land Chinese build railroads Germans land offer Homestead act 1863 if you can work land you can keep it Pacific Railroad Act 1863 put aside federal money to put railroads across the U S Native Americans and whites fought for land Assimilation whites tried to help Native Americans to be more like them Dawes Act law that said Native Americans would own land Morrill Act federal government gave land to states and said they could sell land to people and use money to fund schools that teach how to farm better Bonanza Farms huge farm where one crop was grown negatively affected small farmers because they couldn t sell their crops Farmers went in debt Gold standard every dollar could be traded by gold coin Free Silver Movement farmers wanted money to be backed by silver not just gold Farmers liked inflation because they could purchase something for a certain amount of money that would be worth less in 10 years They could they pay that person back but keep money because money was worth more when they purchased the item Bland Alison Act said the government could buy silver too Populists came from farmers struggling said the government should intervene to help those in need McKinley vs Bryan McKinley rich wanted gold won the election got rid of silver populist movement died out Bryan wanted to fight for farmers

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CCRI HIST 1010 - Lecture notes

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