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Stalemate in the East 11 21 2013 Emancipation Proclamation January 1st 1863 Freed slaves under Confederate control Did not apply to Union slave states or parts of Confederacy in Union hands TN WV southern LA and sections of VA But it did signal the ultimate end of slavery encouraged slaves to escape and join the Union Army 200 000 African Americans eventually served in the Union Army Turning Point 1863 of the Confederacy Winter of 1862 1863 was low point of Union Army morale high tide With Grant stalled at Vicksburg Lee decides to invade the North Lee defeated at Gettysburg at same time that Grant takes Vicksburg War and Society The war had an uneven effect on northern economy In the North the war led to o First income tax o Internal Revenue Service o First national currency green backs o Draft riots July 1863 in NYC 105 people killed The war shattered the southern economy o Commodity output declined 39 during the war o Cotton production fell from 4 million bales in 1861 to 300 000 in 1865 o Confederacy printed 1 5 billion dollars in paper money In the South the War led to the south Runaway inflation By 1863 salt cost 1 25 a sack in NYC and 60 in Draft beginning 1862 eventually included ages 17 50 States rights nearly abolished South eventually offered freedom for slaves who joined the army The Union Victorious Continued dissatisfaction in the North Grant and Lee in the East Sherman captures Atlanta Sept 1864 Lincoln s reelection in 1864 Results of the War These United States becomes The United States The end of slavery Growth of the Federal Government 600 000 dead 11 21 2013 11 21 2013

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Mizzou HIST 1100 - Stalemate in the East

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