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Party Systems Party Systems 11 07 2013 Republican Jefferson v Federalists 1796 1816 Democrats v Whigs 1828 1850s Democrats v Republicans 1850s present Politics Becomes More Democratic Property requirements to vote scaled down or eliminated Written ballots replace voting by voice Appointive offices become elective Voters choose electors to electoral college Election of 1824 None of the 4 candidates received 50 so vote when to the house Clay threw his votes to Adams and all Clay s voters went to Adams winning the election for John Quincy Adams Adams appoints Clay as secretary of state The corrupt bargain The Election of 1828 Rise of 2nd party system Adam s supporter claimed o Jackson s mother a prostitute o Jackson a murderer o Jackson a drunken gambler o Jackson an adulterer Marriage to Rachel Robards in 1791 Jackson s supporters claimed that Adams o Was a rich aristocrat o Wore silk underwear o Provided the tsar of Russia with an American prostitute Jackson s supporters portrayed the contest as between the democracy of the country on the one hand and a lordly purse proud aristocracy on the other Jackson beats Adams in the electoral and popular vote Transforming American Politics Andrew Jackson elected in 182 and 1832 o Beginning of modern presidency o Vetoed bills because he considered them bad policy not simply unconstitutional o Eliminated the national bank which regulated state banks o Expanded the amount of paper money in circulation Jackson s Second Term National bank expires in 1836 Value of all banknotes jumps from 82million in 1825 to 120 million in 1836 329 banks in 1829 788 in 1836 50 inflation Land sales 2 6 million in 1835 25 million in 1836 Politics 1836 1840 Martin Van Buren elected in 1836 o Economy collapsed in 1837 o Wages fell 30 50 o Martin Van Ruin William Henry Harrison elected in 1840 Westward Expansion By the 1840s two issues came to dominate American politics o Westward expansion manifest destiny o Slavery Oregon country seen as next frontier o 11 500 migrants to Oregon 1840 1848 o Took 5 months to travel 2000 miles in a wagon Texas and Tyler Americans began settling in Texas in post 1815 cotton boom Texas independence 1836 William Henry Harrison dies April 1841 John Tyler becomes President Tyler shreds Whig party program o Vetoed new national bank o Vetoed tariff bill Election of 1844 James K Polk Democrat Wins Election Henry Clay Whig James G Birney Liberty Polk and Oregon Polk short thin wry workaholic little sense of humor strong will Polk threatens war with Britain over Oregon o Many in the U s wanted territory to 54 40 o Polk negotiated for 49 by threatening war o Treaty ratified June 15 1846 Mexican War Texas votes to accept annexation July 1845 The armies o Little new technology o Many Irish and German Catholics in regular army o Volunteers replace militia most protestants from the West Polk orders Zachary Taylor to advance between Nueces and Rio and South Grande rivers Polk sends John Slidell to Mexico City to negotiate o Up to 25 million for TX NM and CA Polk calls for war May 11 1846 Zachary Taylor advances through northern Mexico o Meets Santa Anna at Battle of Buena Vista February 22 23 1847 Col Stephen Kearny captures Santa Fe Americans capture California Winfield Scott lands near Vera Cruz captures Mexico City September 1847 Nicholas Trist negotiates Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo o 15 million for TX NM AZ and CA Disaster for Mexico Convinced US military it knew all about war Defined the political context of the Civil War 11 07 2013 11 07 2013

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Mizzou HIST 1100 - Party Systems

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