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Steinbeck cid 127 Author of the Harvest Gypsies cid 127 Wanted to fix the problems with migrant workers and farmers in the California Area Great Humanitarian cid 127 Given to 31st president of the United States Herbert Hoover cid 127 First was a serious name due to his efforts with Belgium but then was rejected by public cid 127 Name was given mockingly by his opponents Bonus Expeditionary Force cid 127 When 20 000 vets converged on the capital in 1932 cid 127 Refused to leave until their bonuses were paid off which failed in congress cid 127 Hoover paid return flight for 6000 of them cid 127 Rest were dispatched by MacArthur in Battle of Anacostia Flats Hawley Smoot Tariff cid 127 Tarriff to help domestic buying power to protect domestic goods cid 127 Hurts agriculture because they can t export enough cid 127 Helped originally for the heavy industry Agricultural Marketing Act of 1929 under Herbert Hoover cid 127 Farmers were plagued by paradox of plenty cid 127 Created a federal farm board and distributed extra crops to other places cid 127 Didn t limit production so they produced too much cid 127 Ended up warehousing all of their goods and didn t make money Brains Trust cid 127 Group of advisors close to Roosevelt helped come up with the New Deal Based off the inquiry in Wilson s administration First 100 days in office enacted 15 laws Helped enact Banking act of 1933 put an end to the banking panic Relief program that was Roosevelt s favorite Civilian Conservation Corps By building roads from the countryside to the cities Built many roads and trails in the national parks and ended in 1942 Employed over 3 million teens and young adults CCC NIRA Passed in 1933 to regulate industry to reduce prices after severe deflation and stimulate recovery National Industry Recovery Act Part of Roosevelt s New Deal Demagogue Joe Mccarthy Speaker that appeals to the emotions Preys on the weak and lower classes to scare them into voting Zimmerman Telegram cid 127 A note sent by the Germans to the Mexicans asking them to mobilize against the US cid 127 Arthur Zimmerman sent it to Heinreich von Eckardt the German ambassador to Mexico Intercepted by the British and decoded which made the United Sates enter World War I January 16 1917 Palmer Raids cid 127 A operation coordinated by Attorney General Mitchel Palmer in which federal marshals raided the homes of suspected radicals cid 127 Occurred in November 1919 and January 1920 cid 127 Specifically November 7 1919 as it was the second anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution cid 127 Started the Red Scare pretty much Battle of Midway cid 127 Battle of Midway fought on the Pacific Theater cid 127 Turning point on the pacific theater American s lost a lot but dominated cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 Decoded a message about the Japanese ambush and out ambushed them cid 127 Moved into offensive position after this cid 127 Admiral Nimmits go after the small groups Lend Lease cid 127 Allowed FDR to sell arms to other countries cid 127 Barely recovered any money from lend lease plan cid 127 Was the slow sell for FDR to show us war was good cid 127 Everyone liked Lend Lease pretty much Rosie the Riveter cid 127 Symbol of the working American woman cid 127 Many women took manly jobs such as work in factories cid 127 First symbol of American Feminism Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters cid 127 A union of black workers to get them more money cid 127 Founded by A Phillip Randolph cid 127 Worked as it increased wages and and shortened hours cid 127 Founded in 1925 Conservationalism cid 127 People that are opposed to large government cid 127 Also opposed to New Deal Liberalism

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