CCJS 100 Exam 1 Review 25 09 2012 19 02 00 UCR vs NCVS Ex post facto Correlates of crime UCR only includes worst crime committed dark figure of crime NCVS 12 more accurate results Applying new laws or regulations to past crimes 1 in 31 adults under some type of correctional supervision in US o about 1 in 100 in jail prison Race and crime 4 347 per 100 000 black males held in custody in state or federal prisons compared to 1 775 latino males and only 678 white males 1 in 36 latino adults 1 in 15 black adults 1 in 9 black males age 20 34 Mala in se v mala prohibita Mala in se wrong in itself Mala prohibita law prohibits it Theories of justice eye Retributive justice offenders held accountable for actions an eye for an Procedural justice Rights of person who have contact w system protected keep innocents out Distributive like offenses will be treated alike and officials will take into account relevant differences among offenders and offenses Restorative restores community offender and victim Consequentialist By John Stuart Mill ends justify the means Deontological by Immanuel Kant categorical imperative o 3 maxims all actions must have universality every human being treated as an end everyone must act like they are moral authority of universe Criminological theories Classical Rational choice of ppl to weight the costs of benefits deterrence fear of punishments is only preventative Positivist human behavior controlled physical mental and social factors not free will criminals diff from non criminals Biological Primitive physical traits born a criminal canine teeth huge jaw etc cid 224 no longer used Psychological Mental illnesses as excuse for crime Freud Sociological social structure opportunity theory disorganized communities can cause crime b c informal social controls break down criminal cultures emerge Social Process theory learning theory differential and labeling theory Critical theory Neo marxism critical race theory conflict theory and feminist theories inequality in power material well being create conditions that lead to street corporate crime Life course theory crime causation is developmental process that starts before birth continues throughout life course Routine Activities theory motivated offender victim lack of a capable guardian cid 224 offense will not occur theory says if you take one of these variables away the Integrated Not just one reason why ppl commit crime combination of things Clearance rates Case is closed ends in conviction Majority minority of crimes cleared no around 12 are cleared o Highest rate of crimes cleared is homicide 7 principles of criminal law legality actus reus causation harm concurrence mens rea and punishment Legality prohibited by law ex post facto Actus Reus guilty act cid 224 guilty conduct Human conduct act omission Causation causal relationship between act and harm Harm Legally protected value person property or object deemed deserving of protection from legislature Inchoate offense RICO and Self harm Concurrence mens rea actus reus must be present at same time Mens Rea guilty mind blameworthy frame of mind mistake entrapment insanity intoxication Offense types Difference between felonies misdemeanors etc Decision making process Investigation Arrest Booking Charging Initial appearance Prelim hearing Indictment info Arraignment Trial Sentencing Appeal Corrections Release Post release supervision 4 amendments 4 5 6 8 4 right against unreasonable searches seizures curtilage 5 Due process right against self incrimination protection against double jeopardy right to silence 6 Right to speedy fair and public trial by an impartial jury and right to counsel right to counsel 8 Bars excessive bail excessive fines and cruel and unusual punishment Federalism Central body of gov t w different states or colonies w individual laws Models Wedding cake crime control v due process 2 justice systems o central national o regional state Wedding cake o I Celebrated Cases o II Serious felonies o III Minor felonies o IV Misdemeanors Victimization Who is most likely to be victimized Black young males Goals doing justice controlling crime and preventing crime Determines if people will be deterred from certain crimes o Severity o Certainty o Swiftness Arresting prosecuting convicting and punishing those who disobey the law o Rehabilitation o Incapacitation o deterrence Application of amendments 25 09 2012 19 02 00 25 09 2012 19 02 00
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