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Panama Canal pg 749 Began building in 1904 and opened in 1914 the canal linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans enhanced access to U S colonies in the Pacific as well as trade with Asia It reduced the distance from New York to San Francisco from over 13k miles to 5k miles Used the Roosevelt Corollary which added onto the Monroe Doctrine which gave the U S right to intervene in the internal affairs of Latin American nations to ensure order and suppress European influence poisoning relations with Latin America U S was viewed as bullies because of the questionable way that we gained rights to build the canal First Hundred Days Represented the first 100 days that President FDR was in office March June in which he prevailed on Congress to pass 14 major pieces of Legislation including bills to raise agricultural prices put the unemployed to work regulate the stock market reform banking practices and assist homeowners and farmers in paying mortgages These programs did not get the U S out of the depression but did prevent it from getting any worse 1933 Frances Perkins A veteran of Jane Addams Hull House knew FDR since 1911 and later became the Secretary of Labor and the first female cabinet member Remarked that FDR was no longer playing now he was serious Supervised a drafting of the Social Security act Held the highest formal position among female New Dealers Politically active as a Progressive Era reformer promoting causes such as women s voting rights and industrial safety Played a key role in formulating the Social Security system Korematsu v United States Was about the relocation of Japanese Americans during WW2 The relocation centers isolated and confined but did not kill the inhabitants The Supreme Court did not rule on the issue until 1944 yet it upheld the policy of forced relocation Korematsu a native born citizen of Japanese ancestry refused to leave a designated war zone on the West Coast Supreme Court Justice Frank Murphy called it a legalization of racism The Korematsu decision affirmed the government s right to exclude anyone it chose from designated areas on the basis of military necessity Japanese Americans were forced into the isolation centers starting in 1942 War Relocation ordered Japanese living along the West Coast to leave in a matter of days Marcus Garvey pg 856 1920s Leader of the Universal Negro Improvement Association UNIA the largest black nationalist movement in history Was very charismatic capturing the imagination of the masses of the U S and abroad He inspired his followers around the world to think of themselves as a nation with a proud past and a sparkling future creating a national anthem and flag Generated both fear and ridicule with mass rallies and parades of UNIA members in military uniforms may be important that he was inspired by Booker T Washington Also a strong back to Africa component of his message The UNIA insisted on black separatism and calling for Africa for Africans claimed that 400 million people of African descent could free AFrica from white imperialists and create their own nation Also established black owned and operated businesses Sacco and Vanzetti pg 851 Two Italian immigrants with anarchist sympathies were arrested for killing two payroll clerks in Massachusetts They were convicted in 1924 and sentenced to death As the date of their execution approached it was revealed that the judge who sent them to death had said See what I did to those anarchist bastards I guess that will hold them for awhile The execution of the two political radicals convicted in a biased trial provoked demonstrations all over the world Occurred while the US government was trying to deal with the immigration problem during the 1920s John Reed pg 802 Adventurous son of a wealthy Oregon family Harvard grad and aspiring journalist persuaded the Metropolitan Magazine to send him to Mexico as a correspondent Was sought out by TR and Wilson for advice on how to respond to the Mexican revolution His dispatches appeared in a best selling book Insurgent Mexico However his romantic notions about war dissolved after witnessing the carnage in WW1 Then he witnessed the Bolshevik revolution in Russia and he thought it was so great He then turned communist U S poet adventurer whose short life as a revolutionary writer and activist made him the hero of a generation of radical intellectuals He began writing for a Socialist newspaper The Masses in 1913 In 1914 he covered the revolutionary fighting in MExico and recorded his impressions in Insurgent Mexico Frequently arrested for organizing and defending strikes he covered WWI for Metropolitan Magazine out of his experience came the War in Eastern Europe 1916 Witnessed 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia recording this event in his best known book Ten Days That Shook the World 1919 Queen Liliuokalani pg 733 The last monarch to reign over Hawaii she was deposed by American planter interests in 1893 and imprisoned for over a year after she was accused of attempting to restore the monarch in 1895 She attempted to draw up another constitution that would give power back to the monarchy but Sanford B Dole organized a coup and overthrew her As the Hawaiian economy nearly collapsed she threatened American domination when she ascended to the throne upon her brother s death in 1891 Big Stick Policy TR exclaimed that there is a homely adage that runs speak softly and carry a big stick you will go far This adage encapsulated his foreign policy and did not hesitate to use a big stick to expand American influence and maintain order essential to trade especially in Latin America Had some influence to the Roosevelt Corollary Americans generally supported the President so if the US needed a canal and with a big stick Roosevelt had secured one used big stick to act swiftly and decisively often without congressional approval Scopes Trial commonly referred to as the Scopes Monkey Trial was a famous American legal case in 1925 in which a high school teacher John Scopes was accused of violating Tennessee s Butler Act which made it unlawful to teach evolution in any state funded school The World Christian Fundamentals Association recruited William Jennings Bryan as a special prosecutor In response Clarence Darrow an avowed agnostic and America s most prominent trial lawyer called Bryan to testify as a biblical authority Bryan defended the Bible s accounts of creation miracles despite many apparent lapses and contradictions in the text The jury

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