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Thirteenth Amendment 1865 Constitutional amendment that outlawed slavery in the United States was the first amendment to be adopted after the American Civil War Fourteenth Amendment 1868 Constitutional amendment that guaranteed national citizenship and equality to former slaves detailed changes related to the former Confederate states but offered no specific protection of freed people s voting rights due process of the law Overturned Dred Scott v Sandford Fifteenth Amendment 1870 Constitutional amendment that prohibited the denial of voting rights on the basis of race Black Codes black code in U S history any of numerous laws enacted in the states of the former Confederacy after the American Civil War and intended to assure the continuance of white supremacy Enacted in 1865 and 1866 the laws were designed to replace the social controls of slavery that had been removed by the Emancipation Proclamation and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution Some examples of black codes They can t all congregate in one place Have a specific curfew They cannot be taught to read write Race was defined by blood no matter how much black blood one had even if they had a little they were still considered black grandfather clause Allowance created by southern state legislatures in the 1890s permitting any person mostly aimed at illiterate white males who had voted before 1867 or had a father or grandfather who had voted to be exempt from the literacy test or other restrictions poll taxes The unspoken aim of this law was to increase the number of eligible white poor male voters poll tax Late 1800s Everyone had to pay the same amount of taxes regardless of what their incomes were A tax that charged registered voters meant to discourage African Americans from voting literacy tests Early to Late 1800s It was the practice of testing the literacy of citizens to prevent illiterate and usually uneducated citizens from voting prior to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 it was a complex system of readings and procedures to deny African Americans the right to vote Reconstruction 1865 1877 all about rebuilding the south after the civil war their whole system of govt revolved around slavery and reconstruction wanted to change that however the south resisted this change White southerners and white northerners disputed the terms of work housing property politics andsocial relationships Entailed creating Republican governments that would implement the policies articulated by Congress Included years of the Northern army in the south to enforce the thirteenth fourteenth and fifteenth amendments Compromise of 1877 Ended Reconstruction there was a new republican president and the south really didn t like that In order to appease the south so they don t secede again federal troops removed from South and some southerners were allowed in congress and laws would be passed to help the south it was an informal unwritten deal made by Republicans Democrats in Congress Also known as the Hayes Tilden Compromise Hayes agreed to remove all federal troops from the South as long as Tilden did not contest the results of the election Homestead Act 1862 Congressional act that allowed families to claim 160 acres of land if they improved it over five years of residence The act opened the Western United States to settlement Reflected the ideals of a Republican Congress Kept in mind the Jeffersonian vision of a nation of small farmers This act expanded on the Ordinance of 1785 providing a means for privatizing expansive western lands Option to purchase land for 1 25 per acre after the first 6 months of residency and some options to pay up front to secure mortgages which could help fund improvements The Transcontinental Railroad Completed in 1869 the first continuous train line connecting the Midwest to the West coast of America It ran between Omaha Nebraska to Sacramento California and reduced travel time across the nation from MONTHS to days I thought it connected the atlantic coast to the pacific coast aka thats what transcontinental means RESPONSE not all the way it connected the west to areas between the mississippi and the rocky mountains pretty sure lol definitely connected both seas what original author meant is that the railroads from atlantic to omaha were already there and not new Social Darwinism 1870 s A theory popularized by Herbert Spencer which purported that Charles Darwin s theory of evolution could be applied to human society as well This belief that society evolved and improved through survival of the fittest there is a natural order of things was supported by many business leaders of the 19th century as a rationalization for exploiting the working class Spencer also believe that Inequality is the natural order of things Second Industrial Revolution 1877 A revolution in technology iron steel business capital and labor that contributed to a lot of social problems Partnered with a rise in urbanization Railroads allow markets to grow and merge Wealth in this period is dangerous because if one big business fails everyone does People are finally able to work for their money Gospel of Wealth which was an essay published by Carnegie talking about how the advantages of industrialization outweighed its problems He acknowledged that it separated the rich and poor even further but said that it supplied cheaper goods and overall more comfort to all Corporations were established They are businesses owned by stockholders so a business does not have as much liability The Birth of a Nation one of the first feature length films regarded as racist by many black men played by whites made in 1915 The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People of 1909 xCP investigated and publicized lynching condemned the segregation of federal offices and organized protests against this movie it was banned in many states Portrayed black men as unintelligent and sexually aggressive towards white women Also illustrated KKK as a heroic force The Ku Klux Klan An organization associated with the bitterest and most violent opponents of Reconstruction and black freedom Formed in Pulaski Tennessee in late 1865 Klan members devoted themselves to denying African Americans any legitimate role in the public sphere stressing the superiority of white Protestant Anglo Saxon citizens Flourished in 1860s and initially thought of as keepers of peace and justice because it was thought that blacks were given too many rights too quickly but eventually seen as

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