Jaymie Ticknor Political Science 1050 Sect 002 18 February 2014 Lecture 5 Chapter 12 Interest Groups What is an Interest Group an organization that pursues the interests of its members by engaging in the political process vary in organization degree of funding and issues of interests groups increased differences cause groups to vary in their effectiveness The Free Rider Problem the free rider problem arises when people can enjoy the benefits of group activity without bearing any of the costs tends to happen to groups who work towards attaining public or collective goods Individuals perceive that attainment of the group goal has little relationship to their personal contribution problem affects larger groups to a greater degree for smaller groups social pressure creates an incentive to contribute the free rider problem becomes more serious as the goal becomes more abstract Overcoming the Free Rider Problem Selective Benefits most organizations use this benefits of belonging to an organization that are limited to contributing members of the organization material benefits product discounts and professional advice Political Entrepreneurs people willing to form and maintain an organization even when others may free ride on them Coercion social pressure or force to make people join in a collective effort some trades require a state license or official certification those who wish to participate must go through formal processes and belong to particular organizations Patronage financial assistance by wealthy donors wealthy individuals sponsorship by corporations foundations and other interests Interest Group Legislative Tactics Direct Lobbying interest group activities intended to influence directly the decisions that public officials make may draft bills testify before congressional Congress members committees meet with elected officials and present their cases provide information Lobbyist someone who paid by particular groups to influence public officials Grassroots Lobbying influence elected officials indirectly by mobilizing their constituents or voters and applying pressure to Congress person in district Electoral Funding groups can donate to fundraising organizations for individual Political Action Committees specialized organizations for raising and candidates contributing campaign funds Citizens United vs FEC 2010 before ruling groups could not create ads in favor or against certain candidates Citizen s United case allow groups Super PACs to create ads to endorse candidates Controversies funds are unregulated there are no limits on the amount of money that groups can spend donor names do not have to be disclosed Persuading the Public Media Advertisement political action committees can place ads about issues but not candidates super political action committees can place ads in support of candidates Protests Direct Mail computer generated letters faxes and other communications to people who may support an issue or candidate Lobbying the Judiciary Litigation involves carrying out a legal strategy to utilize court decisions to support the interests group s goals Amicus Curiae Briefs briefs communicate point of law or scientific evidence relevant to the case intended to influence litigation outcome Pluralism multiple groups are represented by government and no single interest controls governmental decisions power is spread widely throughout society groups can influence government through several access points politics can support individual interests without organized support Disadvantages smaller minority groups are excluded no one compromising Political Resources are Distributed Unequally significant barriers to joining a group political organization requires money time education and political experience interest group system bias in favor of upper and middle class individuals Groups Do Not Automatically Form Disturbance Theory David Truman individuals often form groups in response to disturbances by outside forces interest groups emerge as a consequence of counter movements Interest Groups have a Wide Variety of Tactics in Their Toolkits Tactics choice of tactics depends on goals all tactics attempt to communicate information on merits of a position and on political consequences of action
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